December 31, 2012

Nor things to come....

I have never been a fan of the new year.  It is just a blah time of year with no holiday in sight.   I am a little more apprehensive this year - more so than normal.   I guess I can attribute it to the beginning of Obama's second term in office.    I don't know what changes he will force on us in 2013.   Don't even get me started on Obama Care.    But.....

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor heights, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  Romans 8:38-39

I don't know what 2013 holds for me, my family, or my country.   I admit I am scared for the futures for all three of them.   But God was not taken by surprise by Obama's re-election and everything that even Obama does is allowed by God to further His plan.    Maybe the trials that Obama's second term will bring is really an opportunity to trust God more.     Maybe it will be a time to separate the wheat from the chaff.    

I don't know what is in store for 2013, but I can trust in the One who does.

November 5, 2012

Election 2012

Tomorrow, we will be voting on  (hopefully), a new president.  This election is probably the most important election of our lifetime.   Hopefully, it will be the day that America fires Obama and takes America back.  I am praying Mitt Romney wins by a large enough margin, so the Dems won't fight the results in court.  America just can't handle four more years of Obama.   Or his politics.  Or his spending.   I am hoping that most Americans feel the same way and will show up and make this election another  "Chik Fil A" moment that says "We want America back."
This election in more than who will be our President for the next four years.  It will be about where America is heading.   Right now, America in heading for a collapse.   You just can't keep going the way we are heading and be prosperous.   Economically and spiritually.  
I know people have died to give us each a right to vote.   That, is what makes America so great.   But, for the life of me, I don't understand how people make uninformed votes.    The right to vote is too important to do so in ignorance.    We have a crowd that keeps up with the Kardashians, but have no idea what each candidate stands for.   Sadly, their vote counts as much as someone who does.    I am no politic expert, but I do listen to both sides.  I listen to what they say and see if it aligns up with what they do.    Obama may call himself a Christian, but there is no evidence to back it up.   Romney isn't perfect either.    While I do not believe in the Mormon faith, I do believe his faith has shaped him into a man of  character and morals.   A lot of people feel like they have to "hold their nose" while voting for a Mormon, but we have to remember, we are not electing a pastor, but a president.   Someone who can be a leader and do what is in the best interest of our country.   I believe Mitt Romney is the best candidate for the job.  
People voted for Obama because they were looking for hope and voted emotionally.   It made them feel good to vote for a black man.   Maybe to prove to themselves and the world that they weren't prejudiced.   But,  that is actually in itself prejudice.   We can drop the race card, voting Obama in office proved that we as Americans don't have a problem with race when it comes to a President.  My problem with Obama is not his race, it's his politics. 
While, I am hoping that Obama loses his job come November 6th, I do know that the election results will not take God for surprise.  Nobody will take office without Him allowing it.  I would be lying if I said I wouldn't be frightened if Obama gets re-elected.   I think of the impact it would have on my children and their children.  But, God has commanded us not to put our confidence in man, so I am going with that. 
  I am praying that God will be merciful to America.

October 28, 2012

Appreciate them!

October has been declared Pastor Appreciation Month.   I hope you found some way to show your pastor and his family how much you appreciate them for all that they do.    Our church held a  soup dinner, complete with desserts and gifts.   Just a small token of all their hard work.
I want to brag a little on my pastor.   He is probably one of the most consistent Christians that I know.  He doesn't preach one thing, and live another.   He doesn't preach to please anybody but God.  He preaches what is in the Bible and not his opinion.    He preaches hard and tells you like it is.  No sugar coating at Calvary Baptist Church from my pastor. He loves his God, his church, and his family.  He is always, always, always happy.  He knows his Bible inside and out and if he doesn't know the answer, he will study and find the answer. I know firsthand that my pastor and his family have sacrificed A LOT for our church - without complaining.   There is no way I can fully explain how much I love my pastor and his dear family.
With that being said, everybody needs to realize that your pastor is just a man.   Sometimes, we put them up on pedestals.   I don't think any true man of God wants to be put there.   Don't make him the fourth person of the Trinity, because at some point, he will probably disappoint you.  That is not fair to him.   Now, don't get me wrong, I think their position is to be honored and respected.   Just don't expect them to be sinless.   They have the same sin nature as we all do.   In fact, I regularly drill it into my Sunday School students that we need to pray harder for our pastor and his family.   Being the leader of the church, I am sure he and his family are under attack more that any of the rest of us.   If Satan can destroy his testimony, or  that of his family, then it will affect the entire church.  So be sure to pray for your pastor and his family daily.
Also, don't forget about his wife.   While you voted on him as a pastor, she is there supporting him.   Remember that you didn't get a" two for one" with the pastor.   Let her find her own place within the church's ministries and don't expect her to fill every position that needs to be filled.    My preacher would be the first to tell you that he couldn't do what he does without the support and love of his wife.  
While October is set aside specifically for all their hard work, take time all year to show them how much you appreciate them.  
Give them a kind word
Give them a "thank you"
Give them a "I appreciate you"
Give them an invite to lunch (your treat)
Give them a card for no reason
Give them the gift of being faithful
Give them the gift of volunteering when needed

 We will never know this side of heaven all that our pastor and his family have endured or sacrificed for the calling. 

 How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things.

Romans 10:15b

October 1, 2012

Listening to the dings in life

I love my new car with the exception of one little feature.   If you don't buckle up, it has a very annoying beep that is quite loud and takes forever to go off.   While I always buckle up, I have to lock / unlock the gate, so I tend to not buckle up until that is done.   I also have a bad habit of undoing it as I pull into the parking lot at work  before I come to a complete stop.  Bad idea.   It doesn't let up and can be in fact, quite obnoxious about it.  It will nag you until you do something about it.    I can just imagine that the sound of my car is about what teenagers hear when their parents try to advise them.   Just loud noise.

While the dinging is annoying, it has it's purpose.   It is their for my protection.  I can tune it out, or I can heed it's advice.   It is always in my best interest to heed it's warning and buckle up.  It is there not to bug me, but to keep me safe.  Ultimately,  I have the choice to buckle up,  or just keep listening to the dinging.

The same thing applies to our lives.  We are always faced with decisions that should not be rushed into.    How do you know if your decisions are sound?     The human heart can't be trusted with some decisions.   We can distort the facts to back up our decisions and make them a reality in our minds.       My husband is currently looking into a career change.  Everything in him wants to say yes to the idea.   But that would be foolish on our part.   He is talking to different people and getting their advice.    Some of that advice isn't what we want to hear.   But as much as we don't like some of what we are hearing, it is good sound advice from people with some  experience in that field.  We have the choice to ignore it,  or listen to it.  Ignoring it and going with what we want  to do instead, could have detrimental effects on our household budget and our lives.   We would ultimately regret it.  Real quick.   The impulse to act on what we want instead of listening to sound advice usually comes back to haunt us. 
Nobody likes to listen to the advice of others.  It is just not in our nature to do so.  We all feel competent in our decision making skills, especially the ones that  are ultimately ours to make.  But there is some valuable lessons to be learned through the mistakes and life experiences of others.   Ultimately, not listening to good dings in life  will almost always hurt in the long run.  Long after it is too late.
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.
Proverbs 12:15

September 22, 2012

Just do it!

About two weeks ago,  God nudged my heart  to send a card of encouragement to someone that I knew was having a tough time.   I didn't fool with it, but He did the very same thing the next week.   This time,  I found a note card and scribbled a couple of lines on it.  Didn't think too much about it.  This past Friday, I received a phone call from that person, who was crying.  No, more like sobbing.   She told me she was having one of her worst days ever, and then she got my card.   She went on about how much she appreciated it.   How it helped her when she needed it the most.   Now, the purpose of this post is not to praise myself, but more of condemning myself.   What if I hadn't have listened and acted on what I felt like God was leading me to do?   I do it all the time.   I can't count the times I just tune it out and simply just not take the time.  I always have good intentions, but intentions are nothing if you don't act on them.   We let the busyness of life keep us from doing what He wants us to do.  As Christians, we NEED to take the time to be a blessing to others.

What did I have invested in this random act?   A .50 cent note card, a .45 cent postage stamp, and two minutes of my life.  The funny thing is, that while I was talking to this lady on the phone, she was a blessing to me as well.   I am thankful that He saw fit to use me in just a small way to be a blessing to someone in need.  

When you feel God nuding you to do something,  just do it!  

Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
Proverbs 27:17

September 20, 2012

Sugar Rush Happiness

I read this somewhere and I couldn't have said it better:

Everybody has their native sin – something that seems to be part of who they are. Add to that a culture of self-worship, sliding standards, and personal happiness as the ultimate pursuit and we have a perfect recipe for cultural deception. God gets made out to be the bad guy when he forbids things we are so sure will make us happy. They feel so natural. We are so easily deceived. Like my three-year old daughter that throws a temper tantrum when she cannot have cookies for dinner, we object to God’s righteous, eternal standards.
But everybody disagrees with God somewhere. Every person. Every family. Every culture. Every epoch.
The question is one of wisdom. Will we be wise enough to humble ourselves and agree with God? Will we be smart enough to recognize that he sees something around the eternal corner that we do not see ourselves? Will we not realize that God wants us happy even more than we do? But his long-range mind sees things we do not.
We want quick-fix, sugar-rush happiness. He sees eternal weight of glory.
The message of Scripture is this: play it out. Live to please yourself, live for your personal happiness – it’s an experiment in futility. Destined for disappointment.
Be smarter than that. Be wiser. Be more forward-thinking.
Sin is not just evil; it’s stupid.
Our idols are like middle school boyfriends: they lie to us. Sin lies. It over-promises and under-delivers. It is an expert marketer, but completely untrustworthy.
Yet I’m a sucker. I believe the hype. Everybody believes the hype – it just has to be the right hype. Wise is the man who learns what hype he falls for. We are so prone to judge people for being gullible in areas we don’t fall for. But we all fall. Moral stupidity is part of our fallen condition.
Good thing we have a wise savior.
Solomon nailed it: ”The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” (Proverbs 9:10)

September 18, 2012

Dear Mama

Today is your birthday and I want you to know how much I miss you!   What I wouldn't do to be able to pick up the phone and tell you that.  Just one last chance to hug you and let you know how much I love and appreciate you for all you did for me.   I want to thank you for your selfless ways - you were always thinking of others and rarely of yourself.   You did without so us four kids didn't have to.  I don't think you ever got anything new to wear except hand me downs.   And you did so without complaining.   In fact, you rarely complained about anything.     Thank you for always setting that faithful example - it is because of you that I am in church today.   Any ounce of compassion or thoughtfulness that I may have comes from you and by the example you set.   You mothered us without hollering and fussing - I wish I knew your secret on that one.   You loved us unconditionally whether we deserved it or not.   You lived your life more by example and what an example it was.   You set the bar high in the mothering department and I hate to admit it, I didn't even come close to you.   I wish you could see my two girls!  You loved them and I just know you would have enjoyed taking them shopping for just the right earrings or shoes for those special occasions in their lives.  You would be proud of them - for anything that I did right with them, I owe it ALL to you.

I love you Mama with everything in my being!  Happy birthday to the bestest Mama ever!  I am thankful that I have the reassurance of seeing you again!

With love,

Your favorite daughter

Her children arise up, and call her blessed.
Proverbs 31:28a

September 17, 2012

It's all in the attitude

Rex and I were blessed with the chance to take a trip out west last week.   Even though I had planned and booked the trip months ago, it sorta just snuck up on me.   I am ( or used to be ), Queen of Organization.  Emphasis on used to be.    I couldn't knock the feeling that I was forgetting something.   I made a list and checked it twice.  All packed and ready to go, we headed out.   Stopped for a nice dinner and checked into our hotel in Atlanta around 8:30 p.m.   Ready to bathe and take off my makeup, I looked for my bag.   It was nowhere to be seen.  I knew we had it, because I remember asking Rex to grab it on our way out the door.  When I asked Rex about it, he looked like he had seen a ghost and said he knew exactly where it was.   On our couch.  Two hours away.   He was so apologetic and willing to make the trip back to get it, that I couldn't be upset.   I racked my brain to determine what all was in the bag.  First and probably most important was MY toolbox.   My makeup, my blow dryer, my flat iron, my hair products.....all those tools I needed just to look presentable.  My BRAND NEW CAMERA!  It was starting to get worse.   Kelly's wedding reception and our trip was my justification in getting myself a new camera.   How could I be going to the Grand Canyon without a camera?    I remembered Rex's medicines were in there.   They would be missed, but thankfully, they are not a matter of life of death.   Phone chargers.  No biggy.   I finally persuaded him that we would make do - and believe me, that wasn't an easy task.    We would replace what we had to and deal with what we had to do without.   It's was all in our attitude.   We could have let that one  bag left at home ruin our attitudes and ruin our trip.   Thankfully, we chose to just deal with it and had a wonderful time.  I have 897 pictures to prove it.

Life is sorta like that.   Sometimes we focus so much on what we don't have rather than appreciate what we do have.  
Do all things without murmuring and disputings.
Phillipians 2:14

June 10, 2012

Some things I forgot....

I had the privilege of being able to keep my great nephew this week, a three year old named Jude.  I don't know who was more excited - me or him.  I picked him up around noon and off to Montgomery we went.   I don't think I have laughed or had so much fun in such a long time.    But, as much fun as I had, there are a few things I forgot about dealing with a three year old.

I forgot just how much stuff you need to take a small one for just a small period of time.   I forgot just how much they can talk.  I forgot how many times they can ask "why" or what's that" or the word "no".   I forgot how they repeat just about everything you say or shouldn't say.   I forgot just how smart they can be.  I forgot just how observant they can be.  I forgot how much joy you can feel watching them enjoying a  merry go round.   I forgot just how much energy they have ( long after yours is gone).   I forgot that sometimes, your plans are put on hold because a nap is needed.     I forgot just how tight they can hug you.   I forgot how much they effort they putting into telling you how much they love you.   I forgot how much fun and how many laughs you can get out of just a 30 minute car ride.

One thing I didn't forget is that the adults in their lives have a huge impact in their lives.  While you are always influencing them through out their lives, the early years are the most important in forming them.  I took the time to talk to him about Jesus and how when he minded his parents or grandparents, he was pleasing God.    We have the responsibility to teach out young ones, so when they get older, they won't forget.

Train up a child in he way he is should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

May 27, 2012

Remembering the fallen

Memorial Day is a big day in our lives.  For some, it marks school being out and the start of their summer.  To some, it may mean cookouts and time to hit the water.    So much so, that Memorial Day marks the day that hotel rates go up, especially those on the coast.

The last Monday of each May, our nation observes a holiday  now called Memorial Day.   It was originally called Decoration Day for the tradition of beautifying the graves of fallen soldiers.   The day that we honor those who fought and gave the greatest sacrifice they could so that we could live today in freedom.  This love of country, this sense of honor and duty should be reverenced and admired for the calling that these soldiers have so given of themselves to fulfill.   Our military are daily placed in harm's way both at home and abroad, carrying the torch for MY freedom.   May we never take for granted the privileges afforded to us by the soldiers who have given their all to preserve it for us.   Not only do they sacrifice, but their family also sacrifice a lot for our freedom.

Rex and I had the opportunity last year to go to Arlington National Cemetery in Washington DC.   Just looking at the rows and rows of markers for the fallen soldiers was one of my most humbling experiences I have ever had.   We spent a lot of time looking at names because each tombstone represented a soldier.   Each soldier represented someones husband, son, father, and friend.  Someone who gave all their tomorrows for our todays.

So the next time you see a soldier in uniform, tell them thank you for their service to our country and how much you appreciate their sacrifices for YOUR freedom.   It is because of them that we can lay down each night knowing that they are protecting us.

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13

May 14, 2012

Just One

I have a way of deceiving my own self at times.      When I am dieting, I ask myself what is the problem with taking just one little bite??  I rationalize it and I justify it.    The problem with that one little bite is that it usually leads to another and then another, until next thing I know, I have blown my entire diet.   And it all started with one little bite.   Before long,  I am regretting that one little bite.

We all tend to rationalize those little things in our lives.  Just one little white lie.  Just one little peek.  Just one little drink.   Just one little  ____________________.   Just fill in the blank with whatever because we all have our different temptations.  Our nature is to justify  and rationalize away  the seriousness of that one little sin.   One sin is a big deal to God.   Romans 6:23 clearly says the the wages of sin is death.   Sin as in singular.  One sin is enough to make you a sinner and bound for hell.    One sin is also enough to keep your prayers hindered.    Psalms 66:18 says if I hide iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.   This  is something that has  has really hit me right between the eyes here lately.   How often do we tell people we are going to pray for them or actually spend time in prayer and have iniquity hidden in our heart?   Oh sure, we confess (or should) confess those things that are obvious.   The things we say that we shouldn't, the bad thoughts we have, not reading our Bible like we should. Basically those  visible sins we know are wrong.  We know to confess them.   But what about that sin that we have hidden deep within our hearts that isn't so visible?   That bitterness that we harbor or the unforgiveness of a person for a wrong doing?   We tell our selves that we have forgiven them, but deep within our hearts we haven't.  It may be buried so deep that we are not even aware of it and so it doesn't propose a threat to our prayer life.  Unconfessed sins hidden deep in our heart is like a cancer.  It may start out so small that we are not even aware of it's presence.   But before long, it will rear it's ugly head and start destroying everything it comes in contact with.  One little sin can cause God not to hear your prayers.    Most of the time, the sins that keep our prayers hindered are not the public sins we commit, but more of those secret ones. 

  In the matter of sin, there is no "one little sin."

If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.
Psalms 66:18

May 12, 2012

Happy Anniversary to us!

Rex and I recently celebrated our 30th anniversary.  We didn't do anything big or spectacular to celebrate - just going out to dinner.   If I don't have to cook or clean the kitchen, I am happy.   A lady in my church asked me what our secret was in making it to 30 years.   Secret?   I laughed inside.   I don't have a "secret" nor do I  have a perfect marriage.  Just ask Rex or the girls.  They know we are anything but perfect.  The truth is, marriage is what you make of it.   I learned a lot about marriage over the course of 30 years and I wish I knew a lot of this as a young bride.  So here are a few things I would tell that young bride of 20.

Respect the intuition of marriage. 
Remember love has the power to heal just about anything you deal with in your marriage.
Marriage doesn't just take care of itself.   You have to invest time into it.
Don't assume the "I love you's."   Tell them everyday.  (Even if you are not feeling it.)
Be the first to say "I am sorry."  No matter who got it started, by the end of the quarrel, you both added to it.
Listen to what is not being said.
Always remember, you only get to a golden anniversary one day at a time.
Pick your battles.
Keep your promises.
Fight fair. 
Be kind to each other.
Remember you are on the same team.
Give each other space.  Nothing grows in the shade.
Go the extra mile for the sake of peace. 
Shut your mouth for the sake of peace.
Encourage each other instead of nagging.
Forget about 50/50. 
Handle conflict - don't let it handle you.
Pray for your mate.

Let the husband render unto his wife due benevolence:and likewise also the wife unto the husband.
I Corinthians 7:3

April 28, 2012


Today is going to be a day of crying.   I will be crying for two different reasons though.   I have a funeral to attend, as well as a wedding.  Today, my dearest and best friend of almost 28 years will be burying her sweet daddy.   It hurts my heart to watch because of the bond these two shared.   We have prayed for him to be healed for a long time and those prayers were answered.  He was healed, just not here on earth.  

One of my Jamie's friends from high school is getting married today.   I KNOW Morgan is going to be a beautiful bride today.   I know this wedding will involve pink and Hello Kitty.    Watching two people get married always get my crying glands in full production.  

So today, I will be celebrating the end of a life and the beginning of a new life.   I will be crying tears of sadness and tears of joy.  Just two hour apart at that.

It is also a reminder to us all that while we are on the top of the mountain as I am sure Morgan will be today, that somewhere close by is someone who is in the deepest valley who just may need a hug or a smile.

 Oh, and if you happen to see me around 6:00 p.m. tonight, please just look the other way.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
Ecclesiates 3:8

April 17, 2012

All eyes on me...and you.

I stopped and visited my brother this past Sunday afternoon. Okay, truth be told, I was really visiting his grandson, Jude. I love this little boy, and evidently, he loves me too. It is almost impossible to leave without him wanting to come with me. He told me he wanted to go to church with me and said he would behave. Look at the picture above - how could you tell that little face no? I took him and off we went. He was a perfect little angel. What I noticed though, is he often mimicked my actions. If I sneezed, he had to sneeze. When I did something with my hands, he did the same thing. If I coughed, he coughed. While I thought it was cute, it is a scary reminder just how much they watch us. No parent sets out to be a bad example to their kids. But, we are only human and we fail. A lot. We get caught up in the moment or get emotional and forget they are watching us. As much as you hate to admit it, you are teaching them a lesson. The fact is, you are ALWAYS a role model. Sometimes, it is a good role model, but often time, it's a bad one. Parents who wouldn't dream of calling another person a name to their face, will readily do so in front of their kids. Or those little white lies we have told when we know they know different. Their minds are like little sponges and they absorb everything you say, and more more importantly, everything you do. The old cliche "like father, like son" will hit home. The choice is yours, not theirs. Don't worry that your children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.

April 14, 2012

Never say never

I am almost embarrassed to write this post. I did something so out of character for me. I took the day off on Friday to get my car's 15k mile checkup in Clanton. Since I am so close to Birmingham, off I go to the Galleria to do some shopping. I don't know why I go because I almost never buy anything there. Well, this time I did. First, let me give you a little background of dealing with the kiosk's you see in the mall. I almost never make eye contact with the salesman at them. When they step out to grab hold of my attention, I politely stick out my hand and say "no thanks" and move on. Some of them can be a little pushy and ask again or even why I don't want to try their product. I never, ever give them a chance. Did I say never? Well, never say never because for some reason unbeknownst to me, I gave one a chance. I told him no, but he said something ( I don't' even remember what it was) that made me stop and listen to him. All he asked was for one minute of my time. I gave him a minute. And then another. That turned into about 30 minutes with him demonstrating his products to me. I have to admit, they were really good products. A little pricey, but great products. The salesman was the perfect person to be in sales. He was GOOD. Of course, after I told him they were all too pricey for my budget, he cuts me a deal too good to pass up. He sells me one product that the box was damaged, but never used. Looking back, they probably do that on a few boxes for those really hard to sell customers. BUT, never say never because I bought two of his products. Of course, I had buyers remorse when I got home that night over spending more than I should have. I have used them both several times since yesterday, and I still love them. There was one more product I wanted, but did not buy, so I did me a little research on the internet. There was good news and bad news. The good news was that most everybody that used their products raved over them. They were repeat customers. The bad news is I can buy most of it SO much cheaper on Amazon. I should have known that. The name of the company is Deep Sea Cosmetics. They are made in Israel and they are great! I would recommend anybody to give their products a try, but do not under any circumstances make eye contact with any rep selling them. It could be hazardous to your budget.

April 8, 2012

My mom, my hero

I wrote a post not too long ago on how things couldn't have been easy for my mom. She was raised in an orphanage until old enough to make it on her own. I can count on one hand the things I knew about her childhood. She just didn't talk about it. Through Facebook, we have reconnected with some of her family. My sister started asking questions, and the answers were not easy to hear. I always knew my mom didn't have the best of childhoods. I mean, she lost her dad before the age of five and orphanage life was all she knew. She didn't just have a tough childhood, she had a terrible childhood. But for all of this, my mother didn't complain. She never used it as an excuse for anything. She never used it against her kids when we had a moment of brattiness or acting unappreciative. Simply put, my mom did not let her past affect her future. She was dealt a bad hand in life, but she didn't use it as a crutch. My mom was a woman of faith and a woman of great strength. For all this, my mom is my hero.

March 31, 2012

The Vow

Thirty years ago, Rex and I stood before a preacher, our families, and a few friends and recited some vows. I must admit that back then, I did not even begin to understand the magnitude of the vows we recited - all I knew was that I was getting married!

To have and to hold - well, this parts sounds easy. As a newlywed, I couldn't wait to live in the same house as a couple and just sit and hold on to each other. Then the mortgage, the kids, and the frantic schedules come - and "to hold" takes on a whole new meaning. Glad that 30 years later, I am still holding.

From this day forward - And they lived happily ever after. Yeah, makes for a good fairytale. But marriage is anything but a fairytale. There are some tough days that makes you wonder "what was I thinking?" No, marriage is not always easy, but I thank God that we have both been committed to sticking it out from that day forward....

For better or for worse - Okay, I was one of those brides that thought Rex was perfect, so I was totally unprepared for the "worse." It reared it's ugly head sooner that I expected to see it. Rex has definitely seen my worse and he's still sticks around. I am grateful for that.

For richer or for poorer - We have definitely seen both of these....and looking back, the poorer times were some of the best.

In sickness or in health - Well, we have been blessed in this area. Only a few getting older issues here.

To love and to cherish 'til death do us part - by the grace of God, I hope we can continue to fulfill this part of the vow until death do us part.

What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Mark 10:9

March 6, 2012

Love for reals....

I remember almost a year ago texting my oldest daughter about the previews I had seen about the upcoming movie The Vow. I had read the article on the real life couple that inspired the book, so I was excited about the movie. Of course, anything with Channing Tatum in it is an added bonus. With all the publicity over the movie, they have been on several talk shows circuits talking about their story. While it is a great love story, most people are shocked by it. How this man chose to honor his vow rather than walk away when that would have been the easiest thing for him to do. He was faced with a wife who had no memory of him. None. She had not one single memory of them as a couple , but had intact memories of her ex boyfriend. That had to be tough. He was advised to divorce her due to her rising medical bills, because he had no assurance that she would stay with him. He was determined that he would start all over and woo her again. He CHOSE to stand by his vow for better or for worse. They had only been married for 10 weeks before the crash that brought on the worst. That is not the only amazing thing though. Here was his wife, who had not one shred of feeling for this man. Not one recollection of any memory of them that caused her to fall in love. She said she had to make the decision to love him.

In the Greek language, there are four words to express love, whereas we only have one English word. We use this one small word to express how we feel from pizza to our spouse.

Agape - this is the love that has no boundaries. No conditions. This kind of love gives sacrificially to the object of their love. It doesn't keep a record of wrongdoings. It doesn't keep score. It doesn't harbor bitterness or resentment. It doesn't react. It doesn't seek revenge or wrongdoing. This kind of love just keeps loving even if circumstances change within the marriage.

Eros- this is a passionate love. Love with desire and longing for the object of that love. This is what we would consider a romantic love. While there is nothing wrong with this kind of love, it is wrong if that is the basis of your love. This kind of love should always be a by-product of agape love. Unfortunately, this is probably the foundation of what most couples base their love on. Boy see girl and thinks she is hot. Girl sees boy and thinks he is cute. While, I understand there has to be a natural attraction, it is not wise to build your relationship on that. This kind of love will crumble under circumstances of the couple portrayed in The Vow.

Philia - this is a brotherly love. The love that we feel for our friends.

Storge - this a natural affection. It is the love that we have for our children and family members. We love them, because it is a love that comes naturally.

Like all movies, The Vow had a happily ever after ending. But listening to the interviews, it wasn't always easy. It is hard for me to determine who had it harder - the husband or the wife. I have decided it was the wife. She had to CHOOSE to love her husband in the agape form of love when there were no feelings. Once she she made the choice to love him, the feelings of love followed. While this story is an extreme, love is always a choice. That choice is what keeps you loving even on those days that the feelings just aren't there.

Seriously though, if I had awoke from a coma with Channing Tatum claiming to be my husband, I don't think I would question it.

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

I Corinthians 13:13

February 14, 2012

Love it or hate it?

I don't know of any other holiday that brings on so many different opinions than Valentine's Day. You either hate it or love it. A lot of people claim that they don't like the "one" day of the year to show someone you love them. I get that. You should let your loved ones know every single day that you love them. Or they don't like getting a gift just because it is V day. They would rather get something on a random day. I get that too. But nobody has a problem celebrating mother's day. Valentines is no different than mother's day or father's day. It is nothing more than setting aside a day to remind your loved one just how much you love them. It doesn't have to be some grand gesture. I seriously am okay in getting just card, which by the way, I did not get this year. V Day completely slipped my husband's mind this year. I personally love Valentines Day. I agree that we shouldn't limit it to 1 day out of 365. We need to let our loved ones know as much as we can just what they mean to us. But I love that one day that we pump it up just a bit. That and any day that might result in me getting chocolate is a day worth celebrating!

February 3, 2012

The good, the bad, and the ugly....

What do Demi Moore, Sheryl Crowe, and me have in common? No, I am not talking about our undeniable talent or even long, luxurious hair. We are all turning 50 in 2012. I know what you are thinking. They both look so much older than me.

I just celebrated my milestone birthday this past Saturday. It's not like turning 50 bothered me a lot, but it did weigh on my mind a lot in the months leading up to it. It just sounds so old. How in the world did 50 sneak up on me so fast? It is one of those life events that you just sorta stop and take an inventory of your life. People asked me how it feels to be 50? Well, to be honest, it feels like I did at 49. I feel the same. It affects your way of thinking more. The way you look at things. I guess I should be grateful that I was allowed to turn 50 because so many are denied that privilege. There was a time when turning 50 was out of most people's life expectancy. When I was in my twenties and thirties, fifty sounded so old and most definitely light years away. Visions of little old ladies with blue rinses and SAS shoes popped in my head. Okay, that is an exaggeration, but I definitely saw someone older than me at 50.
Like all things, there are some good, bad, and ugly to turning 5o. Since I am trying to see the good in everything, I will start with:
The Good:
50 is the new 30. Okay, maybe the new 40. At any rate, I think my generation look a lot younger than the prior generations.
Self acceptance. While I do try to maintain a decent appearance, you sorta just accept yourself a little more. Your appearance, while still important, is just not top priority anymore.
I learned I had a voice and I use it more now.
Wisdom. I don't claim to know it all, but with age, really does come wisdom.

You. With the empty nest, this time is about you.
The bad:
It came too fast. Just how did I let it sneak up on me without doing all those things I planned on doing with my life? Seriously, I feel like I just turned 30 a couple of years ago. You realize at 50 that some doors have been closed. No more wondering if you should have one more child.
Loss of memory. I can remember what I wore on my 30th birthday, but honestly can walk into a room and forget what I was going in there for. But, on a good note, you can't hold a grudge very long, because you forget too easily.

Gray hair. I have been graying so a long time, but now, I am 100% gray, so if I don't stay on top of keeping my hair colored, I will have the gray streak that I could not stand to see on ladies when I was younger. Sorry, I get it now.
Hot flashes.
Time. At 50, you realize you are no longer middle aged. I am closer to my death than I am my birth. That may sound morbid, but it can also be liberating. It is a stark reminder that our lives are but as a vapor. When you are younger, you feel like you have nothing but time. At 50, you realize that is just not the truth anymore. You learn to just let some stuff roll off your back.

The ugly:
That moment when you catch a good look of yourself in the mirror and wonder just who is that old person looking back at you? She sure has a lot of wrinkles around her eyes. Then you realize it's you. Maybe it's just some bad lighting, because I still have the image in my head of what I look like. She looks more like 30.
Aging body. There just is no way around it if you are not just genetically blessed. You wake up and the next thing you know, you have no waist. Your once skinny arms now jiggle when you move them. Everything is heading south. There are not enough hours in the day to combat aging with exercise. The best thing about an aging body? Aging eyesight.
So, 50 came whether I liked it or was prepared for it. I am coming to realize that age is just a number. I am honored that I get to BE 50. Getting older is inevitable, but growing old is optional.

January 30, 2012

I demand a recount!

This is my very last week of being in my 40's. Come Saturday, I will hit the big 5-0. FIVE OH. FIVE DECADES. HALF A CENTURY. There is no way to make it sound anything but old. I usually don't let my birthdays bother me because, well, the more you have, the better you are. I have this mental image of what a 50 year old woman looks like and I just don't fit that image. At least I don't think I do. I don't have blue hair or wear sensible shoes. Yet. I know it is pretty cliche, but it seems like I just turned 30 like five years ago. Does that mean in five more years I will be 90?
Ready or not, 50 is coming!

January 11, 2012

Another one bites the dust

I love Facebook! I love interacting with my friends, family, and schoolmates. I love seeing pictures of my friends and their families that I probably would have never seen otherwise because of the miles that separate us. I love reading people's status updates. These daily posts can have me laughing out loud at times. Some days, I am humbled or encouraged by them. Some posts can have me heartbroken over something going on in their life. Yes, I think Facebook is for the most part a great part of most people's daily lives...... IF you know how to use FB correctly. I have probably been on FB three years now. In those three years, I have only dropped 2 people. The first one I dropped a couple of months ago was more of an acquaintance - someone I went to school with. I didn't really know her, but I accepted her friend request just the same. Wow, she had the mouth of a sailor. I finally couldn't take it anymore and dropped her. To be honest, I doubt she even noticed. The second one I dropped this week. This one is completely different. I have known her and her family for quite some time. This is a friend that attends church regularly. Her crime? Ruthless bashing of her ex husband while all her children are friends of hers on FB. I don't know the story of what went wrong between them and I don't care to know. It's none of my business. It is also none of my business of the problems they face as divorced adults trying to co-parent all their kids. I realize she probably needs to vent but she should choose a close friend and not a public forum like FB to call her ex husband sleazy names and telling all the drama between them. Maybe she blocks these posts from her children from seeing on her wall ( I sure hope so), but if I was a betting woman, I would bet not. Here's the thing - I don't care how flat the pancake is, there are always two sides to every story and she only tells hers. He may be as bad as she says he is, I don't know. What I do know is that NOTHING he did justifies running him down to her kids or on a public forum. When I read the post, I think less of her, not him. It is also not fair to the kids. I want to tell her to remember that SHE picked him out of 6 billion people on this planet to be the father of her children. They had no say so in the choice. If he is as sorry as she claims (and I seriously doubt it), then the kids will figure that out on their own. They probably don't want to hear it anyhow. And neither do I.

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers
Ephesians 4:29

January 7, 2012

Just what I needed

I did two things this weekend that I have not done in forever. First, I sat home all weekend. Other than going to church Sunday morning and night, I didn't leave my house to go anywhere. I decided on Friday that I was going to spend my Saturday at the house. I officially declared it a pajama day. Now, do not interpret that to mean a lazy day, because it was anything but. I allowed myself to get up and watch about a hours worth of TV and relaxing. I then got up and just piddled all day. I cooked, cleaned, read, played with the dogs, and I exercised. To me, it was a day well spent! And speaking of spending, other than giving my tithe to church (which is not spending in my book), I did not spend one penny all weekend!! Seriously, that is just about unheard of. It's not like I set out to make a point not to spend, I just didn't. Sitting at home, I just cooked both nights - especially since going to the store would require me to get out of my pajamas. All in all, it was one of my best weekends in a very long time. I highly recommend it! I can see a new tradition beginning......

January 1, 2012

Goodbye to 2011

I have not spent one second on coming up with any New Year's resolutions this year. I never stick to them - probably because I have never came up with a real plan to accomplish them. What I did do this year is reflect on this past year.

All in all, God has really blessed me last year. In 2011, I am proud to say that I did not lose anybody close to me. Even though Rex has suffered with some health problems, most of them of manageable. My health is good, even though some days, I feel like I am 80 years old. We both still have jobs and can pay our bills. Our girls are healthy. Even though we had a lot of storms around us causing quite a bit of damage, God protected my home. No major crisis came into our life in 2011. I struggled in a couple of things this year, but out of that, my faith and prayer life grew. I am still not where I need to be, but I think I am further ahead in my walk at the close of 2011 than I was at beginning of the year. Yes, 2011 was a good year for me and the Floyd family. I am excited to see what 2012 holds for us!