Rex and I were blessed with the chance to take a trip out west last week. Even though I had planned and booked the trip months ago, it sorta just snuck up on me. I am ( or used to be ), Queen of Organization. Emphasis on used to be. I couldn't knock the feeling that I was forgetting something. I made a list and checked it twice. All packed and ready to go, we headed out. Stopped for a nice dinner and checked into our hotel in Atlanta around 8:30 p.m. Ready to bathe and take off my makeup, I looked for my bag. It was nowhere to be seen. I knew we had it, because I remember asking Rex to grab it on our way out the door. When I asked Rex about it, he looked like he had seen a ghost and said he knew exactly where it was. On our couch. Two hours away. He was so apologetic and willing to make the trip back to get it, that I couldn't be upset. I racked my brain to determine what all was in the bag. First and probably most important was MY toolbox. My makeup, my blow dryer, my flat iron, my hair products.....all those tools I needed just to look presentable. My BRAND NEW CAMERA! It was starting to get worse. Kelly's wedding reception and our trip was my justification in getting myself a new camera. How could I be going to the Grand Canyon without a camera? I remembered Rex's medicines were in there. They would be missed, but thankfully, they are not a matter of life of death. Phone chargers. No biggy. I finally persuaded him that we would make do - and believe me, that wasn't an easy task. We would replace what we had to and deal with what we had to do without. It's was all in our attitude. We could have let that one bag left at home ruin our attitudes and ruin our trip. Thankfully, we chose to just deal with it and had a wonderful time. I have 897 pictures to prove it.
Life is sorta like that. Sometimes we focus so much on what we don't have rather than appreciate what we do have.
Do all things without murmuring and disputings.
Phillipians 2:14
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