About two weeks ago, God nudged my heart to send a card of encouragement to someone that I knew was having a tough time. I didn't fool with it, but He did the very same thing the next week. This time, I found a note card and scribbled a couple of lines on it. Didn't think too much about it. This past Friday, I received a phone call from that person, who was crying. No, more like sobbing. She told me she was having one of her worst days ever, and then she got my card. She went on about how much she appreciated it. How it helped her when she needed it the most. Now, the purpose of this post is not to praise myself, but more of condemning myself. What if I hadn't have listened and acted on what I felt like God was leading me to do? I do it all the time. I can't count the times I just tune it out and simply just not take the time. I always have good intentions, but intentions are nothing if you don't act on them. We let the busyness of life keep us from doing what He wants us to do. As Christians, we NEED to take the time to be a blessing to others.
What did I have invested in this random act? A .50 cent note card, a .45 cent postage stamp, and two minutes of my life. The funny thing is, that while I was talking to this lady on the phone, she was a blessing to me as well. I am thankful that He saw fit to use me in just a small way to be a blessing to someone in need.
When you feel God nuding you to do something, just do it!
Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
Proverbs 27:17
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