January 30, 2012

I demand a recount!

This is my very last week of being in my 40's. Come Saturday, I will hit the big 5-0. FIVE OH. FIVE DECADES. HALF A CENTURY. There is no way to make it sound anything but old. I usually don't let my birthdays bother me because, well, the more you have, the better you are. I have this mental image of what a 50 year old woman looks like and I just don't fit that image. At least I don't think I do. I don't have blue hair or wear sensible shoes. Yet. I know it is pretty cliche, but it seems like I just turned 30 like five years ago. Does that mean in five more years I will be 90?
Ready or not, 50 is coming!

January 11, 2012

Another one bites the dust

I love Facebook! I love interacting with my friends, family, and schoolmates. I love seeing pictures of my friends and their families that I probably would have never seen otherwise because of the miles that separate us. I love reading people's status updates. These daily posts can have me laughing out loud at times. Some days, I am humbled or encouraged by them. Some posts can have me heartbroken over something going on in their life. Yes, I think Facebook is for the most part a great part of most people's daily lives...... IF you know how to use FB correctly. I have probably been on FB three years now. In those three years, I have only dropped 2 people. The first one I dropped a couple of months ago was more of an acquaintance - someone I went to school with. I didn't really know her, but I accepted her friend request just the same. Wow, she had the mouth of a sailor. I finally couldn't take it anymore and dropped her. To be honest, I doubt she even noticed. The second one I dropped this week. This one is completely different. I have known her and her family for quite some time. This is a friend that attends church regularly. Her crime? Ruthless bashing of her ex husband while all her children are friends of hers on FB. I don't know the story of what went wrong between them and I don't care to know. It's none of my business. It is also none of my business of the problems they face as divorced adults trying to co-parent all their kids. I realize she probably needs to vent but she should choose a close friend and not a public forum like FB to call her ex husband sleazy names and telling all the drama between them. Maybe she blocks these posts from her children from seeing on her wall ( I sure hope so), but if I was a betting woman, I would bet not. Here's the thing - I don't care how flat the pancake is, there are always two sides to every story and she only tells hers. He may be as bad as she says he is, I don't know. What I do know is that NOTHING he did justifies running him down to her kids or on a public forum. When I read the post, I think less of her, not him. It is also not fair to the kids. I want to tell her to remember that SHE picked him out of 6 billion people on this planet to be the father of her children. They had no say so in the choice. If he is as sorry as she claims (and I seriously doubt it), then the kids will figure that out on their own. They probably don't want to hear it anyhow. And neither do I.

Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers
Ephesians 4:29

January 7, 2012

Just what I needed

I did two things this weekend that I have not done in forever. First, I sat home all weekend. Other than going to church Sunday morning and night, I didn't leave my house to go anywhere. I decided on Friday that I was going to spend my Saturday at the house. I officially declared it a pajama day. Now, do not interpret that to mean a lazy day, because it was anything but. I allowed myself to get up and watch about a hours worth of TV and relaxing. I then got up and just piddled all day. I cooked, cleaned, read, played with the dogs, and I exercised. To me, it was a day well spent! And speaking of spending, other than giving my tithe to church (which is not spending in my book), I did not spend one penny all weekend!! Seriously, that is just about unheard of. It's not like I set out to make a point not to spend, I just didn't. Sitting at home, I just cooked both nights - especially since going to the store would require me to get out of my pajamas. All in all, it was one of my best weekends in a very long time. I highly recommend it! I can see a new tradition beginning......

January 1, 2012

Goodbye to 2011

I have not spent one second on coming up with any New Year's resolutions this year. I never stick to them - probably because I have never came up with a real plan to accomplish them. What I did do this year is reflect on this past year.

All in all, God has really blessed me last year. In 2011, I am proud to say that I did not lose anybody close to me. Even though Rex has suffered with some health problems, most of them of manageable. My health is good, even though some days, I feel like I am 80 years old. We both still have jobs and can pay our bills. Our girls are healthy. Even though we had a lot of storms around us causing quite a bit of damage, God protected my home. No major crisis came into our life in 2011. I struggled in a couple of things this year, but out of that, my faith and prayer life grew. I am still not where I need to be, but I think I am further ahead in my walk at the close of 2011 than I was at beginning of the year. Yes, 2011 was a good year for me and the Floyd family. I am excited to see what 2012 holds for us!