September 30, 2011

An Empty Pew

I attend a small church and sit on the same pew each and every service. Most people that are regulars tend to do that. On "my" pew, it is just me and on the other end is a sweet older lady and her 4 year granddaughter. I am sorry to say that I didn't really know her that well. I spoke and shook her hand at fellowship time, but I can't say I really knew her. I just always knew who I would be sharing the pew with each service. So I say goodbye at the end of the service and tell her I will see her next Sunday, as I do all the older crowd that I sit around. Fast forward to next Sunday. Our pastor announces that this dear saint fell and died sometimes during the week. They don't know if the fall prompted a heart attack or the heart attack prompted the fall. Either way, she was gone.

Why did this older woman's death bother me so much? While I cared for as a church member and hated to hear of her accident, I didn't really know her well enough to get all emotional over it. I guess her death was just a ever constant reminder that our lives are as a vapor that appeareth for just a little while. We do not know what the next 24 hours will bring into our lives. We never know when it will be the last time we see our family, our friends, or even our fellow church member. Every day when we walk out the door, we never know if we or our loved ones will ever make it home. For whatever reason, we all tend to forget that. We will leave the house in a huff and forget to tell people we love them. We take for granted that we will make it right the next time we see them or apologize when we get home.

Take the time to let your family and friends know just how much they mean to you. You just might never get the chance again.

Boast not thyself of tomorrow: for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.

Proverbs 27:1

September 3, 2011


My husband is the type of friend anybody would love to have. He is always more than willing to lend a helping hand. So when a co-worker needed Rex's expertise to help work on his boat, my hubby was only too happy to help. He asked me If I wanted to tag along. I could drop him off and shop and when he was through, we could both go out to dinner. I am always willing to shop, so off to Prattville we went.

When we pulled up in this man's driveway, I noticed his co-worker's big truck had a memorial across the back windshield. He also had a memorial painted on the back of his tailgate. I looked at the name of the mailbox and it matched the name of the memorial. I dropped my hubby off and hit the stores. I just couldn't stop thinking about that memorial though.

When it was time to pick my husband up, I sat and waited for Rex to say his goodbyes...which can take upwards of 15 minutes. I studied that memorial and the picture of the young man on the windshield. One good look at the co-worker, and I knew it was a memorial for his son. The resemblance was uncanny. The age on the memorial put his son at the age of 18 at the time of his death. My heart was pricked as my eyes filled up with tears. As soon as Rex got in the car, I began asking questions about his son. He was a good kid, about to head to college when he died in a tragic motorcycle accident. In a split second, this father's life was forever changed. His son was gone. All the hopes and dreams he had for his son, just vanished that day. Three years had passed, but I can only imagine the pain has not. I bet a day does not go by where he is not missing his son and wondering what he would be doing now.

I left that day feeling sad for this man and his family who I didn't even know. I also left grateful for my two girls. I don't know why God allowed this family to go through this and so far, has spared me of this kind of pain. While we all know in our hearts that God does not make mistakes, it doesn't mean we always understand His ways. This man's loss made all my burdens and cares seem very, very small and trivial. I have nothing to complain about, yet I do.

Thank you Lord for all that you have given me - and forgive me when I don't always appreciate it!!

The Lord gave, and the Lord taketh away; blessed be the name of the Lord.

Job 1:21b