August 4, 2009


I have never been one who confronts. If someones does me wrong, I just let it roll off my back. Now, I am not saying that I don't get mad or get hurt, it is just I don't confront the other person for the wrong doing. There is good and bad in handling that way. There are times that I should stand up for myself just as there are times that are not worth the effort. Let me clarify myself....this only pertains to people outside of my immediate family - hubby and kids are excluded....I can confront them, but beyond that circle, I turn wimpy. Most of the time I try to minimize the situation and put in in prospective as to how trivial it will be in a week. That normally knocks out 95% of on those, it is a good trait. On the other 5%, they are normally things that someone has really crossed their boundary in some way and I have a right to speak up for myself and I don't. I can't figure out why. Part of it is fear - not fear of them, but fear of what I would say. I have it all planned out in my head as to what to say, but then just lose it. At that point, I feel like I could do more damage than good and the outcome would not be what I want it to be. I feel like I would just make it worse. I jokingly say that if I confronted people, I would probably put them in therapy because I would get off track and put them in their place.....which is WRONG! It bothers my kids - they think Mama is a door mat - but I try to explain that I would rather be the one done wrong than the one doing the wrong. Don't think I am being self righteous, I am talking only about the times that I have truly been wronged.

I say all this because I have a conflict and it is one that I can't just brush off. It needs to be dealt with and I just don't know how to handle it. I am going to have to pray over it and let God give me wisdom as to what to say and when.

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

Psalms 19:4