Today is your birthday and I want you to know how much I miss you! What I wouldn't do to be able to pick up the phone and tell you that. Just one last chance to hug you and let you know how much I love and appreciate you for all you did for me. I want to thank you for your selfless ways - you were always thinking of others and rarely of yourself. You did without so us four kids didn't have to. I don't think you ever got anything new to wear except hand me downs. And you did so without complaining. In fact, you rarely complained about anything. Thank you for always setting that faithful example - it is because of you that I am in church today. Any ounce of compassion or thoughtfulness that I may have comes from you and by the example you set. You mothered us without hollering and fussing - I wish I knew your secret on that one. You loved us unconditionally whether we deserved it or not. You lived your life more by example and what an example it was. You set the bar high in the mothering department and I hate to admit it, I didn't even come close to you. I wish you could see my two girls! You loved them and I just know you would have enjoyed taking them shopping for just the right earrings or shoes for those special occasions in their lives. You would be proud of them - for anything that I did right with them, I owe it ALL to you.
I love you Mama with everything in my being! Happy birthday to the bestest Mama ever! I am thankful that I have the reassurance of seeing you again!
With love,
Your favorite daughter
Her children arise up, and call her blessed.
Proverbs 31:28a
Beautifully written. And now, I'm teary at work. :) Love YOU, Mom!