Rex and I recently celebrated our 30th anniversary. We didn't do anything big or spectacular to celebrate - just going out to dinner. If I don't have to cook or clean the kitchen, I am happy. A lady in my church asked me what our secret was in making it to 30 years. Secret? I laughed inside. I don't have a "secret" nor do I have a perfect marriage. Just ask Rex or the girls. They know we are anything but perfect. The truth is, marriage is what you make of it. I learned a lot about marriage over the course of 30 years and I wish I knew a lot of this as a young bride. So here are a few things I would tell that young bride of 20.
Respect the intuition of marriage.
Remember love has the power to heal just about anything you deal with in your marriage.
Marriage doesn't just take care of itself. You have to invest time into it.
Don't assume the "I love you's." Tell them everyday. (Even if you are not feeling it.)
Be the first to say "I am sorry." No matter who got it started, by the end of the quarrel, you both added to it.
Listen to what is not being said.
Always remember, you only get to a golden anniversary one day at a time.
Pick your battles.
Keep your promises.
Fight fair.
Be kind to each other.
Remember you are on the same team.
Give each other space. Nothing grows in the shade.
Go the extra mile for the sake of peace.
Shut your mouth for the sake of peace.
Encourage each other instead of nagging.
Forget about 50/50.
Handle conflict - don't let it handle you.
Pray for your mate.
Let the husband render unto his wife due benevolence:and likewise also the wife unto the husband.
I Corinthians 7:3
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