Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. Malachi 3:11b

December 27, 2011
Take it to the bank
December 14, 2011
Love Unconditional

December 8, 2011
No Vacancy
November 26, 2011
Unclaimed gifts
The Bible tells us that God only knows how to give good gifts. How many blessings have we missed out on simply because we did not ask Him? How many good gifts did God want to pour out on us if all we would do is ask? I am not suggesting that when you pray, you recite your "give me" list, or even to ask for things that He could not approve of. I am talking about the desires of our hearts. There are so many verses that God instructs us to ask and it will be given. Just as I want to give my kids the desires of their hearts, God wants to do the same. God knows the things on your list, whether we ask Him or not. But by asking Him, you are showing your complete dependence on Him. I don't know about you, but I don't want to leave any of my gifts unclaimed or unwrapped. I am like a small child when it comes to the gifts of God, I want them all!
Ask, and it shall be given you.
Matthew 7:7
November 21, 2011
What is your impossible?
For with God nothing shall be impossible. Luke 1:37
This was a response to Mary who had just been told that she was going to conceive a child. She was wondering how that was going to happen since she was a virgin. Mary, like us, questioned God based on what she could see. On her circumstances. On her own wisdom. On how much she could understand. To Mary, conceiving a child without knowing a man was impossible.
We all have impossibles in our lives. The circumstances in our lives that seem, well, impossible. The things that we view that has gone beyond any hope of repair. We look at these things with no hope and that can leave us in a state of despair. The problem with that is we don't understand when God tells us nothing means NOTHING. What we are doing is putting limits on what God can do - oh, we have intellect knowledge that He can do all things, but deep down in our hearts, we still doubt. We doubt because we don't understand how He can fix it. Some things humanly speaking are impossible. We all have limited wisdom and we just have to get to the point where we have to look to God to do the impossible. To have faith that He will do the impossible.
What is your impossible?
October 27, 2011
Following your heart

In the case of my friend, she should really walk away. The red flags are there ( and there are a lot). The other women might as well be telling her to ignore ALL those facts and red flags and just do what feels good right now. What is easiest right now. They should insert "but you will pay for it later" at the end of it though. My advice would be: Run, don't walk. He has ruined your makeup, don't let him ruin your life. You are so much more deserving than what you are getting. You tried and you have tried, but it just isn't working. Of course, mine isn't going to be all warm and fuzzy, but she would thank me later.
September 30, 2011
An Empty Pew
September 3, 2011
August 27, 2011
The Golden Rule
Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40
August 23, 2011
Just be....
Wonder how much pleasant we would be if we practiced most of these on a daily basis.
August 13, 2011
Mother vs Mama
While I didn't tell her this, I was thinking - yep, you are earning your "mama" stripes. See, most anybody can become a mother in 9 months. That's the easy part. The minute you give birth, the term mother applies to you. The title of mama though is earned. Earned through the years as you give of yourself to your children. You earn it when you get up for those midnight feedings. When you get up all night long with a sick child and change the bedsheets yet again from either sickness or wetting the bed. When you get up and check to make sure there are no monsters under the bed or hiding in the closets. When you take the time to read the book again, even when you want to say enough already. When you stop what you are doing because they want to show you their latest new dance routine. And yet again when they have "improved up on it." When you put your book down because they want you to "watch them" just one more time in whatever new they have just learned. When you have to punish your children for wrongdoing because you know they need to learn right from wrong. When you have to say no, because it is in their best interest. When you say yes to going somewhere because their excitement over-rides your tiredness. The list goes on and on and on.
The title of mom does take many years to earn - it is not always easy, but it is always satisfying. Our children are bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh. As moms, we fail, we falter, and we disappoint - but I think the one thing we do right is love unconditionally. I have alot of titles - wife, sister, friend...but one of my favorites is mama.
August 3, 2011
For crying out loud

July 29, 2011
Oh patience, where art thou?
Charity (love) suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaulted not itself, is not puffed up.
Basically, this verse is saying love is patient and kind - it does not envy, it does not boast, and it is not proud.
Okay, patience is not what I am feeling when I am this exhausted. Kindness is not what I feel like showing as I take the time to pick up HIS dirty clothes. Here's the thing though, this was not a suggestion that God inspired Paul to write. It was not given based on your circumstances you may find yourself in. As I picked them up, instead of losing my patience, I remembered just how early my husband gets up to support his family. I think about the long hours and injustices that he has recently met on his job. I thought of how he has knee problems because of the constant getting up and down on a bread truck for over 25 years. So instead of losing my patience, I found myself thankful for my hard working husband. Just by changing my way of thinking, my nice quiet Friday night remained just that.
July 25, 2011
It only happens once in a lifetime...
You only become a first time parent once. Most couples go into parenthood having read all the "how to" books and feel like they are prepared for the job that is about to be put on them for the next, well, for the rest of their lives. Parenthood is a job that you never retire from, take a vacation from, or quit. They have no idea how their world is about to be turned upside down. I remember when I had my first child - she was wanted, she was planned, and she was loved....but I had NO idea how much work was involved into tending to a baby. I was clueless! The first 30 days are probably the hardest as you ride the roller coaster of emotions mixed with fear, anxiety, and doubts about your abilities. Then add lack of sleep and the feelings of being overwhelmed.....but can I also add that you soon learn the true meaning of unconditional love. You are amazed at how much more you love your husband and you are in awe of how much you can love this little person in such a short time. You hear other moms say this, but you just don't "get it" until you have your first one. All of a sudden, you have this new found respect for your own mom and realize all the sacrifices she made for you.
As he was talking about wanting to protect his little girl from having to lie under the lights, I wanted to tell him that it will get much worse than this. Wait until she comes home the first time and she didn't get picked for a team. Or maybe she didn't make the cheerleader squad. Maybe she was snubbed from a birthday party. Or somebody hurts her feelings. Or gets her heart broke the first time. It even gets worse than that. What about when they are grown and you see them making a mistake and you just have to let them. Or watching your child go through a divorce. All that comes with the title and their is no pain medicine to take to take away this kind of pain.
Motherhood is the most wonderful, terrifying, fullfilling, excruciating thing life has to offer and everybody should experience it at least once. Lucky for me, I got to experience it twice.
Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord.
Psalms 127:3a
July 20, 2011
July 19, 2011
The Trial - Part Deux
July 17, 2011
Happy birthday Daddy!!

July 16, 2011
Spiritual strongholds are just as strong and hard to break through as the ancient strongholds. The problem with strongholds is that they cause you to compromise your sin and they keep you from repenting from them. Strongholds breeds hopelessness and paralyzes our faith. They cause us to go through situations in our lives without guidance from God. This leaves us on our own to draw our own conclusions without consulting the Word of God. We devise ways to handle life's problems that contradicts the Word of God. Strongholds also hinder our prayers and cause us to double minded. We pray for God's will all the while holding on to our Plan B in our mind not realizing or trusting God that His Plan A will be enough.
The truth is we all struggle with strongholds in our minds. It is part of our flesh and the only way to pull them down is to bring the stronghold and measure it against the truth. No vain imagination or stronghold can stand up to that.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.
John 8:32
July 5, 2011
The trial
I listened to each expert present the facts for both the defense and the prosecution. While they didn't agree on a lot of things, they both had to agree to some of the facts, like the presence of human decomposition and chloroform in the car. The defense brought up things in their opening statements that they did not / could not prove, even though they promised they would. They changed their story about some things. I almost felt sorry for Jose Baez ( not really ), because honestly, he didn't have much to work with. He even called his own defendant a lying slut. Really???
The prosecution did an outstanding job with their closing arguments and their rebuttal. They nailed it. They presented Casey's web of lies leading up to the disappearance up until her being thrown in jail. I really thought it was going to be a slam dunk for the prosecution. They did not have to prove motive or cause of death. Seriously, the child was found triple bagged with duct tape over their skull....I really didn't need to know HOW she died, but knew enough facts to know it was a homicide. Nobody would make an accidental drowning look like a murder. That doesn't even make sense. They only had to believe it with reasonable doubt, not NO doubt. I think the state did prove that. After all the facts were presented, it really came down to me as a common sense trial. If you used your common sense, all the pieces of the puzzle fit perfectly. Sadly, common sense is not so common.
Twelve people saw it differently. It makes me livid. Mad as heck really! I suspect they will see things differently once they get out and hear all the facts they did not hear in court. They may soon realize they let someone get away with murder literally. But did she? Nah....she may have gotten away with it in this lifetime, but nobody gets away with wrong doing. One day, she ( and all of us ) will stand before the only Judge that really matters. Her lies won't hold up there. She won't have a defense team to defend her there. She won't get away with murder at that time. The punishment that will be given out then is far worse than what the state of Florida can do.
One thing that really bothers me is the celebration the defense put on afterwards. I understand, that they "won" their case and after three years of hard work, they deserve a time to relax - but to do it openly where all can see, is just down right disrespectful. They should have taken it privately where the world could not see. They may have won a case, but a precious little girl is gone forever and nobody is paying for her death. I see no reason to celebrate.
What's next for Casey Anthony? After falsely accusing her dad of sexually molesting her and hiding the body, it will he hard for her to go back home again. It will be hard for her to get a job - I doubt she even wants one. I have a feeling, that Miss Anthony is going to get her a nice little book deal and get paid to give interviews. Yeah, life may be good for a short while, but she will go through the money as quick as she comes into it and we will be hearing about her again in the news real soon. Probably sooner than later.
May 27, 2011
May 22, 2011
It couldn't have been easy....
May 10, 2011
Say it isn't so....

To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
Ecclesiastes 3:1
May 2, 2011
Justice has been served
April 29, 2011
Royal Wedding

April 26, 2011

If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
John 15:18
April 10, 2011
30 days to live....
Boast not thyself of tomorrow: for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.
Proverbs 27:1
April 7, 2011
Being a kid....
But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse.
II Timothy 3:13a
II Timothy 3:13a
March 23, 2011
If I could turn back time
March 16, 2011
Things you didn't lose in the fire......
My only advice to her would be to focus on what you didn't lose in the fire. Her precious family. This young lady has one of the sweetest families I know. A wonderful husband and three beautiful ( literally ) children. The only things lost were things that could be replaced tomorrow. This sweet family could make a "home sweet home" while dwelling in a tent. While I do not diminish the horror of what she has lost or trivialize the hard days ahead, it really is a time to praise God. Praise Him for what wasn't lost in the fire. The very things that CAN NOT be replaced tomorrow or ever.
Lay not up treasures upon the earth.
Matthew 6:19a
March 14, 2011
Leave my clock alone....

March 7, 2011
Some things you really ought to know.....
1. Letters are always better than getting an e-mail or a text. Sadly, they are becoming extinct.
2. No matter what road you are on, you can always make a U-turn and turn your entire life around.
3. Not everybody knows what they are talking about.
4. Most of the things that causes us anxiety is really just "small stuff" and not worth sweating over.
5. How richly you live is not determined by the amount of riches you own.
6. Family history is worth learning about. I wish I knew more about my mom's family.
7. Pictures are worth every penny you spend on them. You capture a moment in time forever on film.
8. Pets are a very big part of your family.
9. Love is not all you need - you need commitment. I know several relationships where there was love, but no commitment.
10. Along the way, you will feel stupid and that's okay. Everybody does at some point. Sorta keeps you humble.
11. There are always two sides to every story.
12. You can't go through life without making mistakes. You just need to learn from them. Not learning from your mistakes is worse than the mistake.
13. The best things to own are the ones you earned on your own.
14. Your parents were usually right.
15. Your kids may be grown, but they still need you. Just in a different way.
16. It is always in your best interest to say what you mean and mean what you say. Quit the games. Games are supposed to be fun, but game playing in relationships is exhausting.
17. Hurt people hurt people.
18. Yelling never helps any situation. Ever.
19. Nobody has it all figured out.
20. You can't change anybody. You may encourage people, but you can never change them.
21. It is far easier to refrain from eating the calories than it is to burn off the calories.
22. Anything worth having is worth waiting and working for.
23. Laziness is good for nobody.
24. Home really is Home, Sweet Home.
25. While blood is thicker than water, family goes beyond just blood.
26. Every now and then, you really need a day to just chill.
27. You can't go through life without a few heartbreaks - but it is those heartbreaks that strengthens us and gives us compassion for others.
28. Your kids need to be disappointed sometimes. No parent likes to see that, but it helps them later in life.
29. Sometimes to fix a problem temporarily, all you need is some chocolate.
30. Having the right attitude is half the battle.
31. Stop and look around - there really is a lot of wonder everywhere you look if you take to time to observe it.
32. Nothing ever happens the way you think it will.
33. There is no perfect marriage, no perfect man, no perfect woman, and no perfect child.
34. Every single mundane day is still a gift.
35. It is great to be an American.
36. You can really handle a lot more than you think.
37. Just because you can't sing doesn't mean you shouldn't sing. Remember God gave the crow the exact voice He wanted him to have.
38. Sometimes you either got it or you don't.
39. Spending time with a small child can do wonders for you. They see the wonder in the most simplest of things.
40. Just because someone has a different point of view doesn't mean you are right or they are wrong.
41. Being honest can fix just about any problem in any relationship.
42. Kindness really is important.
43. Everybody is flawed. It really does take more energy to point out flaws than it does to overlook them.
44. Saying that you can't forgive someone is really saying I won't forgive someone. Forgiveness is always a choice.
45. Don't believe everything you hear or everything you read.
46. Children will learn more from you when you aren't trying to teach them.
47. There is always someone that is smarter, prettier, or more talented than you. Get over it.
48. Life is not always fair. That's life.
49. You can either be right or you can be happy.
50. Never compare yourself, your spouse, your children, your job, or your ______ with anyone else. It is a waste of time, energy, and emotions.
51. Celebrate small every day special occasions.
52. Don't cross the bridge until you arrive at the bridge.
53. Nothing beats a good work ethic.
54. Siblings are important.
55. Character never goes out of style.
56. Your word should mean something.
57. Unrealistic expectations will ruin the best of relationships.
58. Just because everybody is doing something still doesn't make it right.
59. Some of the best things you can give others doesn't cost you a thing - compassion, sympathy, a listening ear, love, and time.
60. Everybody needs friends.
61. Your life really is a sum of your choices.
62. A good name can't be bought.
The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deceit.
Proverbs 14:8
February 28, 2011
Cheap vs Frugal
Being frugal is in my blood - passed down by my parents. While they were frugal more out of necessity, mine is more out of habit and choice. That choice has served me well over the years. Being frugal means never having to keep up with the Jone's because well, that just cost too much. When my girls were in college, I used a prepaid phone from T-Mobile - which was the butt of a lot of jokes from coworkers. I only used it in an emergency situation or for a quick call home. It was basically a phone that was one up from the bag phone - no joke. This phone averaged me $10.00 per month. Could I have afforded a fancier more up to date phone? Sure. I just did not want to pay the hefty price tag plus the monthly contract cost associated with it. There are a lot of things that I could afford over the years that I chose not to spend our money on. I am proud to say that those kind of life long choices allowed my husband and myself to stay out of alot of debt. It allowed my girls to go through school with no student loans hanging over their heads after graduation. I must add that about a year after Jamie graduated, I had no problem throwing out my old phone and upgrading to the Droid. I basically went from a Chevette to a Porsche in the mobile phone world. I feel like I can justify the expense now that my girls are out of school.
I know my friend was not calling me cheap in the sense of cheap and stingy. He knows me to well for that. Cheap doesn't like to spend money - one look inside my closet would testify that is not the case. I just like to be frugal and look for bargains. I am proud to say that both my girls have that same frugal blood running through their veins and that makes this frugal mom proud!!
Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.
I Corinthians 4:2
February 10, 2011
Hacked and Ticked
I have worked and paid for everything I own. I have bought my own car, my clothes, my shoes, books, computer, cell phone, hair cuts...I mean I have paid for everything I own. When I see something I want and I can't afford it, I deal with it. I don't start trying to devise a plan on how I can steal it. My house has been broken into 1 time and attempted at least 3 more times. We have had checks stolen out of our mailbox and forged all over the tri-county area. My daughter was on every bad check list around and trying to get that straightened out would make a good person want to pull on gun and shoot the thief. Not to mention, my bills were strewn along the road...some of them were found as far as 50 miles away. Most companies worked with me, but some charged me late fees. So this honest person had to spend more money to have a PO Box instead of the luxury of walking out my door and fetching my mail. I've had to spend money to replace back doors where thieves have busted the windows out my door. I guess they really didn't believe all those stickers on the window stating we are secured by an alarm system that runs me a monthly bill. Someone has broken into my husband's very secure shed and stole his four wheeler and his week old trailer to haul it on. Do you know how hard it is to make a payment on something that you don't even own anymore? This event caused us to put up a thick heavy gate and electric gate opener ($1,500.00) to keep people out.
I have had the opportunity to get something for nothing. I once went to Walmart to buy two pair of pants that my father in law had asked for as a Christmas present. I wanted to pay for them separately as to make it easier on him if he needed to exchange them. After she finished ringing up my groceries, she forgot about the pants and I took them home without paying for them. When I took them back the next week and told them in customer service what I had done - she was shocked that I brought them back. She told me that I could have kept them and nobody would have ever known....yeah, they would have. I only hope that the day I decided to throw away my integrity, it will be for more than forty dollars. I pay for what I get - well, except for the few times that I have passed my kids off as younger in order to get the kiddie price off the menu. If I could go back, I wouldn't even do that. I thought it was not fair to charge an adult price for my kids who would eat three saltines and be through. But it was still wrong and my kids knew that. Bad, bad, bad example I set and believe you me, they NEVER let me forget.
It seems to me that if these lazy scumbags would put all this time and energy they put into planning and scheming and stealing , they could well, work. Until then, I will continue to work. Not only to pay for the things I want, but to pay to keep the things I buy.
Thou shalt not steal.
Exodus 20:15
February 7, 2011
Happy Birthday to me!

January 29, 2011
Dirty cups and dirty vessels....
If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work. II Timothy 2:21