So Casey Anthony walked on Sunday. For the first time in over three years, she became a free woman. Over 1,000 people showed up to protest her release at 12:00 midnight. She was ushered into a black SUV heading to who knows where? Where does she have to go? Her defense team is probably going to put her up for awhile, but how long does anyone expect that to last? The best of company gets old after awhile, and a non working liar would get to stinking quicker than dead fish in the refrigerator. Then where? I am sure she will get one offer to tell her story and that will be it. Nobody wants to touch her with a ten foot pole due to the public out lash. Even the classy porn company, Vibe Entertainment, reneged their offer to make a movie. I guess porn watchers have standards too. She will be broke, no friends, no family, and no job. Seriously, what kind of job could she get?
My point to this blog though is the public out lash against the jurors. Having watched every aspect of this trial, I have no doubt she is guilty of something. Even the female defense attorney that never left her side during the trial and was often seen hugging her, stammered and evaded the question when asked would she trust Casey Anthony with her children. She talked about the Casey she knew from prison or the Casey she became close to, but not one time did she say yes, I would trust Casey with my children. Nobody would.....but, a jury of her peers found her not guilty. Sure, I was mad and thought justice was not served. Maybe it wasn't, but the jury spoke. I heard on the news that one of the jurors had to quit their job and go into hiding due to death threats. Some of them are being rejected from eating in certain restaurants. All they did was answer a call of duty and came to a decision. Sure, it sounded like they didn't listen to the same testimony that I did. Sure it seemed like a common sense no brainer slam dunk case for the prosecution - but at the end of the day, they voted on what their gut told them, or at least I hope they did. Most of them said they knew she was not innocent and it made them sick to give the verdict that they rendered. They felt like they needed more evidence. Our forefathers designed a judicial system for everybody to have their day in court. Innocent until proven guilty no matter how guilty one appears. Sometimes it will fail us, but more often than not, it works. Yes, I hate that Casey probably got away with murder, but I can't help but think if I were on trial ( totally innocent of course ), I would hope I could have 12 people that demanded to have enough evidence to convict me.
Vengeance is mine: I will repay sayeth the Lord.
Romans 12:19b
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