The dictionary defines the word stronghold as a place of security or refuge. In ancient times, a stronghold was built to protect from invasion of the enemy. They were usually thick walls built up around them for protection. They were highly guarded and hard to break through.
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
II Corinthians 10:4Spiritual strongholds in our life often are built for the very same purpose. They start out as a lie from the devil as he softly whispers it into your ear. It is probably one of Satan's most used tactics. Once the seed has been planted, it gets lodged into our imaginations, our arguments, and our intellect. They begin to gain influence over a person and sets itself up against the knowledge of God. They are lies that within our intellect that we claim as truths. Sadly, they don't leave us once we get saved. They are usually formed over years from our parents, our teachers, society, fears, and life's experiences. Some of the strongholds we probably aren't even aware of. They can be born out of lack of understanding or knowledge of the scriptures.
One kind of stronghold is the way we view God. It is probably one of the most popular strongholds within our society. You can view God as this large tyrant ready to stike at a moments notice at the minute of wrongdoing. If this is your view, it would be hard to run to him or trust him. Our most natural reaction would be to see him as a cold, distant, and uncaring God - none which is true. How many times have you heard - "if God was a loving God, why does he send people to hell?" Or "if God loves everybody, why does he allow children to be hurt or killed?" The truth is that all that is because of the fall of man. We brought it on ourselves. So this stronghold once viewed against God's word doesn't hold up. It is a stronghold you have allowed in your mind. Another stronghold is thinking you are too bad of a person to be saved. God's Word clearly states he isn't willing that any should perish. Or how about the child that was brought up in a household where he was unloved who now has the "I'm useless" stronghold in his imaginations - but for God so loved the word debunks that. Maybe it's the couple that thinks they can not afford to tithe? The truth is you can't afford not to tithe. The Bible clearly states that you are robbing God. Or maybe the young couple that is madly in love geting involved in premarital relations? They build up a stronghold that God understands because we will one day be husband and wife. Maybe you have been wronged and you have the stronghold of unforgiveness. You can justify it, you can rationalize it, but you can't find God's blessings of it in His Word. I could go on and on but you get my point.
Spiritual strongholds are just as strong and hard to break through as the ancient strongholds. The problem with strongholds is that they cause you to compromise your sin and they keep you from repenting from them. Strongholds breeds hopelessness and paralyzes our faith. They cause us to go through situations in our lives without guidance from God. This leaves us on our own to draw our own conclusions without consulting the Word of God. We devise ways to handle life's problems that contradicts the Word of God. Strongholds also hinder our prayers and cause us to double minded. We pray for God's will all the while holding on to our Plan B in our mind not realizing or trusting God that His Plan A will be enough.
The truth is we all struggle with strongholds in our minds. It is part of our flesh and the only way to pull them down is to bring the stronghold and measure it against the truth. No vain imagination or stronghold can stand up to that.
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.
John 8:32
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