Okay, so this post is going to make me sound like one of those crazy pet people...but I guess I am sorta am becoming that person.
I have been having a really stress full couple of days (weeks) at work. Between being off a couple days last week, having auditors (yes, again) in, and just the normal year end preparations, work has just about put me over the edge.
But then, I come home. Each and every single day that I pull up, I have my own welcoming committee just waiting on me. No matter how bad my mood is from work, I always smile at the sight of these two dogs. They can be dead asleep, but when they see my car coming down the driveway, they immediately jump up as though they don't want to miss the opportunity to let me know how much they have missed me while I have been gone. I can be gone for five minutes, five hours, or five days. They are just generally happy to see me. Their love for me is just so unconditional. Gosh, I wish I was a lot more like my sweet dogs. They love me no matter what. It doesn't matter what kind of day they have had. They are always happy and want to spread that happiness to you. They don't judge me and they sure don't care what I look like. They listen to me and never talk back....well, Fred sorta does. My singing doesn't bother them or even all my flaws. In fact, if anything about me bothers them, they sure never let it affect their love for me. They just love me for who I am with little expectations of anything but some hands on attention from me and the occasional table scraps.
Imagine if we acted and loved like that?
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