December 8, 2011

No Vacancy

Over 2,000 years ago, Joseph and his wife Mary made the long and tiring trip to Bethlehem. I can only image how uncomfortable the trip must have been on Mary. Being nine months pregnant is uncomfortable in the best of circumstances. I imagine all Mary wanted was a nice warm bath and a comfortable bed to rest in. What she got was the message that there was no room for them in the inn. I don't know, but I am sure Joseph probably frantically went from place to place trying to find somewhere where his wife could rest before delivering her baby. Maybe the innkeeper, seeing Mary's condition, had sympathy on them and offered up his stable for them to spend the night. In the lowliest of conditions, Jesus, King of Kings, was born that night.

That is just the way we are today. Nobody has room for the King of Kings. We stay so busy in the busyiness of life, that we just don't have the room for Him. We have just entered into one of the busiest holiday seasons. Everybody loves the Christmas season and goes all out in decorating their homes. We spend hours trying to find the perfect gifts for our loved ones. Oh sure, we know what the real meaning of Christmas is, but we don't take the time to really put the focus on Him. I know I don't. Outside of Christmas, most people give no thought to Jesus. Who He is and what He has done. For us. We don't find the time to read the Bible or to pray. By doing so, we might as well be putting a no vacancy sign across our hearts.

I wonder if had the innkeeper had known who was about to be born that night, would he have made some different arrangements for that night? I am sure he would have. We know who Jesus is, which is all the more reason for us to never put out a no vacancy sign across our hearts and lives.

And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

Luke 2:7

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