May 22, 2011

It couldn't have been easy....

My mom has been on my mind a lot here lately. Truthfully, she is never really far from my thoughts. My dad either for that matter. I lost my mom when I was 32 - too young to lose your mother. Of course, if I was 62, I would probably feel the same way. I have always thought that I had the perfect mother. I know most people feel that way especially after they lose their mother or as they age, but I was one of those that thought she was perfect even when I was younger. My mom never had it easy. She lost her dad to a railroad accident when she was around 5 years old and was placed in an orphanage along with her sisters. I guess times were hard back then and her mother couldn't / wouldn't do the things needed to keep her babies with her. I don't mean to judge, because I really don't know the circumstances. Orphanage life was all my mom knew until she was 18 years old and I guess considered an adult by the orphanage to make it on her own. She met my dad while he was stationed in Charleston and the rest is history. It still couldn't have been easy on her though. She had to leave what little family she knew to move to wherever the Air Force decided they should be stationed. It couldn't have been easy to bring four "doorstep" children in this world with no family around to help you out. It couldn't have been easy to be a "single" mother while her husband was away defending his country. It couldn't have been easy to have little or no contact with your husband while he was away. It couldn't have been easy not knowing how to drive and still making sure we were all in church. For all that though, my mom was one that was easy to please. One thing my dad was most proud of my mom was that she never complained. Never complained when they had to pack up and move once again. Never complained when she was left at home to care for four children while he had to leave. Never complained about the condition of the house he could afford to rent for his family. It just didn't take much for my mom to be happy. What an example she set for her children! Her happiness was not based on her circumstances, it was based on her faith in God. My mom's early childhood would have given her every reason to take the broad path in life, but her faith in God kept her on the straight and narrow. I would not be where I am today without that seeing that in my mama! She was truly a virtuous woman in my eyes!

Her children arise up, and call her blessed.

Proverbs 31:28a

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