I am not a huge fan of the time change. Not even when we roll it back which gives us an extra hour of sleep. It throws my entire body out of whack. The time change really shouldn't be more than an inconvenience really. You have to walk around the house and change all the clocks, your watches, and the microwave. I don't know how shifting 60 minutes one way or the other can cause so much distress, but it does. When I go to bed at 10:00, my body tells me it's only 9:00 and I can't go to sleep. I waste that hour rolling around and staring at the ceiling. When the alarm goes off at 5:30, my body is telling me it's only 4:30. I can remember when my kids were small, it was so much worse. Any mother can tell you that you have to keep kids on a schedule. The only worse thing than getting them off schedule is getting them off schedule on less sleep. Both of my kids required a good nights sleep, but it was hard to convince them it was time for bed when it was still light outside. The teenage years weren't much better. It took a stick of dynamite to get Kelly out of the bed on most days, so the time change wasn't my friend back then either. I know most teachers are counting their lucky stars that this year, the time changed on the weekend spring break started.
So to whoever decides the time change: take my hour or give me an extra hour - it really doesn't matter to me. Just leave it alone.
I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep.
Psalms 4:8
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