If there is a plus side to aging, it has to be the wisdom you gain through marriage, raising kids, and just living life......
1. Letters are always better than getting an e-mail or a text. Sadly, they are becoming extinct.
2. No matter what road you are on, you can always make a U-turn and turn your entire life around.
3. Not everybody knows what they are talking about.
4. Most of the things that causes us anxiety is really just "small stuff" and not worth sweating over.
5. How richly you live is not determined by the amount of riches you own.
6. Family history is worth learning about. I wish I knew more about my mom's family.
7. Pictures are worth every penny you spend on them. You capture a moment in time forever on film.
8. Pets are a very big part of your family.
9. Love is not all you need - you need commitment. I know several relationships where there was love, but no commitment.
10. Along the way, you will feel stupid and that's okay. Everybody does at some point. Sorta keeps you humble.
11. There are always two sides to every story.
12. You can't go through life without making mistakes. You just need to learn from them. Not learning from your mistakes is worse than the mistake.
13. The best things to own are the ones you earned on your own.
14. Your parents were usually right.
15. Your kids may be grown, but they still need you. Just in a different way.
16. It is always in your best interest to say what you mean and mean what you say. Quit the games. Games are supposed to be fun, but game playing in relationships is exhausting.
17. Hurt people hurt people.
18. Yelling never helps any situation. Ever.
19. Nobody has it all figured out.
20. You can't change anybody. You may encourage people, but you can never change them.
21. It is far easier to refrain from eating the calories than it is to burn off the calories.
22. Anything worth having is worth waiting and working for.
23. Laziness is good for nobody.
24. Home really is Home, Sweet Home.
25. While blood is thicker than water, family goes beyond just blood.
26. Every now and then, you really need a day to just chill.
27. You can't go through life without a few heartbreaks - but it is those heartbreaks that strengthens us and gives us compassion for others.
28. Your kids need to be disappointed sometimes. No parent likes to see that, but it helps them later in life.
29. Sometimes to fix a problem temporarily, all you need is some chocolate.
30. Having the right attitude is half the battle.
31. Stop and look around - there really is a lot of wonder everywhere you look if you take to time to observe it.
32. Nothing ever happens the way you think it will.
33. There is no perfect marriage, no perfect man, no perfect woman, and no perfect child.
34. Every single mundane day is still a gift.
35. It is great to be an American.
36. You can really handle a lot more than you think.
37. Just because you can't sing doesn't mean you shouldn't sing. Remember God gave the crow the exact voice He wanted him to have.
38. Sometimes you either got it or you don't.
39. Spending time with a small child can do wonders for you. They see the wonder in the most simplest of things.
40. Just because someone has a different point of view doesn't mean you are right or they are wrong.
41. Being honest can fix just about any problem in any relationship.
42. Kindness really is important.
43. Everybody is flawed. It really does take more energy to point out flaws than it does to overlook them.
44. Saying that you can't forgive someone is really saying I won't forgive someone. Forgiveness is always a choice.
45. Don't believe everything you hear or everything you read.
46. Children will learn more from you when you aren't trying to teach them.
47. There is always someone that is smarter, prettier, or more talented than you. Get over it.
48. Life is not always fair. That's life.
49. You can either be right or you can be happy.
50. Never compare yourself, your spouse, your children, your job, or your ______ with anyone else. It is a waste of time, energy, and emotions.
51. Celebrate small every day special occasions.
52. Don't cross the bridge until you arrive at the bridge.
53. Nothing beats a good work ethic.
54. Siblings are important.
55. Character never goes out of style.
56. Your word should mean something.
57. Unrealistic expectations will ruin the best of relationships.
58. Just because everybody is doing something still doesn't make it right.
59. Some of the best things you can give others doesn't cost you a thing - compassion, sympathy, a listening ear, love, and time.
60. Everybody needs friends.
61. Your life really is a sum of your choices.
62. A good name can't be bought.
The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deceit.
Proverbs 14:8
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