I was thinking today about the things that scare me the most. By nature, I am not a scaredy cat. I mean, I do get scared, but only if the situation presents itself. I have noticed that as I have gotten older, my fears have changed. Here is my top ten list of fears:
1. Losing my husband or children. I know this one is cliche, but ask any wife/mother and this will top the list. I have been with my husband basically since I was 16 and I just can't even imagine life without him. Sure, there were times when I wanted to do the job myself, but I have kinda got used to having him around. Besides, who would cut my grass or keep my oil changed? My girls, well I just can't even let myself go there.
2. My house burning to the ground. I love my house, but my biggest fear is not losing my house of my stuff in the house. I don't care about the stuff I can replace like furniture, appliances, or clothes. Well, I would miss my collection of shoes, clothes, and purses. I am talking about my family pictures and videos. I used to keep all my pictures in a certain place and instructed my husband to be sure to grab them once everybody got out of the house. I have kept just about every church dress that my girls wore growing up. I have most of their baby dolls, barbies, stuffed animals, and books. Don't ask me why.
3. Dying a violent death. I am not afraid to die, but I just hope it isn't violent. I guess I have been watching too much Forensic Files because it has made me more scared of all the random evil in this world.
4. Falling off a cliff. I am not scared of heights, but I can't get too close to the edge for fear of falling. Just thinking about it will send chills over me.
5. Dentist. I know this is an odd thing to probably have on a list, but it goes back to my childhood. This memory involved a military dentist who seemed to have more interest in talking with his assistant about his upcoming vacation than he was paying attention to his 8 year old patient. He pulled my tooth and dropped it. Yep, I swallowed it. It traumatized me so much that I have always said I would rather birth a baby than go to the dentist.
6. Snakes. I hate snakes as most women do. They are probably God's vilest creatures in my opinion. I have a fear of walking up on one and considering that I live in a breeding ground for poisonous snakes, this one is not the least bit far fetched. I hate to see just about any animal die, but have feel no remorse over a dead snake.
7. Prescription drugs. I know this is probably another weird one to have on my list. I could never ever be a junkie for fear of the reactions to those little pills. Just read some of the side effects on some of those pills. I know they serve a purpose and I know that I will probably have to deal with this fear one day. Thankfully, I have never had to take much more than an antibiotic.
8. Long flights. I am not afraid of flying per se - but in the last ten years, I have become afraid of long flights. Anything over about 5 or 6 hours will make me nervous. I am going to have to suck it up though, because I now have a passport and am itching to plan a trip to Italy.
9. Losing my Independence. I am the type of person that will get in the car and go anywhere and everywhere. Give me a clear set of directions and I have no fear in reaching my destination. The thought of losing that scares the bejeebies out of me.
10. The dark. I am not talking about the darkness in my house or even in my yard. I am talking about dark parking lots or dark hallways. I have a fear of somebody grabbing me. I just gotta quit watch the True TV channel and Nancy Grace.
After listing my fears, I decided to see what the most common fears were and some of mine made it. What I found interesting were some of the more unusual fears. I guess I am normal after all.
Ablutophobia – the obsessional fear of bathing
Agyrophobia – the fear of crossing roads
Ambulophobia – the fear of walking
Anablephobia – the fear of looking up
Androphobia – the fear of men
Anthophobia – the fear of flowers
Arachibutyrophobia – the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one’s mouth
Aulophobia – the fear of flutes
Chionophobia – the fear of snow
Chronomentrophobia – the fear of time
Ephebiphobia - the fear of teenagers
Genuphobia – the fear of knees
Gynophobia – the fear of women
Nomophobia - the fear of being out of cellular/mobile phone contact
Scuirophobia – the fear of squirrels
Papaphobia – the fear of the Pope
What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.
Psalms 56:3
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