I woke up yesterday with a headache, but went on to work. It got progressively worse and I started to get sick to my stomach and throwing up. I felt terrible and went home. I was hoping that I wasn't coming down with this terrible flu that seems to be making it's rounds. Luckily, by early evening, I was getting back to my old self. All I know is that I am thankful for yesterday. Why you ask? Why would I be thankful for a day that I felt like a truck driver ran over me and then put it in reverse to run over me again? When my head felt like it was about to explode? I am thankful because it helps me to appreciate all the other days that are just normal days. Days where my head doesn't hurt and I don't have many aches and pains. We have a tendancy to forget how blessed we are on those days. It sometimes take a sick day to humbly remind us of just how blessed we really are. It helps me to have compassion for those that are in chronic pain. So yes, I am thankful for yesterday.
When I went into work today, I was all bubbly and happy. My co-workers said I was feeling too good to be that sick yesterday. They joked on me that I was faking it and that I must have had the "two hour flu." I jumped right into my favorite iconic scene from The Sound of Music. The one where Maria is atop the Alps and breaks out singing The Hills are Alive. While I am no Julie Andrews, this song always depicts how I feel when I feel really good and I have been known to start randomly singing it. The singing was lost on my coworkers just as it was with on my girls while they were growing up. They just don't get it.
A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.
Proverbs 17:22a
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