January 12, 2011


When is the last time you can remember that you blushed? The dictionary describes blushing a as "to redden, as from shame." I have to admit that sometimes I still blush, but not like I should. The ability to blush is something you have no control over. It is a normal reaction from your body when it feels like it is in an uncomfortable situation. The uncomfortable situation could be an indecent remark or gesture. It could be in the form of some of the filth you see in movies. It could come from a conversation that you know you should back out of. It seems that nowadays anything and everything goes. We have lost our ability to blush. Well, I guess we haven't actually lost the ability, we have lost those triggers that prompts us to blush. The more worldly we become, the less we are apt to blush. We lower our standards just a wee bit and tell ourselves this won't hurt us too much....and then before you know it, we are lowing them again. We start blushing less. Next thing we have developed a callous on the blush trigger. I love a good movie - especially a good comedy. It just seems that in order to get a laugh out of people, they have to take it to a level that is crude and appalling. The more we watch this junk the more we are de-sensitized to it - so they have to make the next one a little more cruder to get a laugh out of us. Same with TV shows. The shows that I grew up on like Little House on the Prairie or The Walton's would never be a hit today. The Brady Bunch or Andy Griffith Show would be a joke today because they based their humor on everyday life situations They were funny without being crude.

Just catch any reality show and you will see that most of these people will say or do anything. Things that should be private are out in the open for all to hear and see. We sit and watch it and while we don't necessarily approve, we don't turn the channel....because it doesn't cause us to blush.

Blushing is actually a good thing. Blushing should be our trigger to back up and get out of the situation that is just not what we should be a part of. It can be a warning to get back on the right path.

Were they not ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush.
Jeremiah 6:15a

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