September 30, 2010


October is finally here. It is by far my favorite month of the year. Maybe its because of the break from the heat that causes you to break out into a sweat just going from your house to your car...or maybe because it is what I call "free weather" - where you don't have to run your A/C or your heater. It could be the beautiful colors in the changing of the leaves. I know the spring is beautiful too with all the blooming flowers, but it still can't hold a candle to October. It is just something about this month that makes me want to get out and do all those things that I have put off all summer. I jokingly tell people that October makes me want to mop floors. That is the best way I can describe how October makes me feel. This may be a weird analogy to you, but if you know me, you know I have a thing for clean floors. I love that feeling of walking on floors and not feeling any grit on them. My husband used to tell me that I was going to sweep the grooves off the floor with all my sweeping. He gave me some pretty good advice - wear socks. So, I took his advice and to this day, I hardly ever walk around bare footed in my house. October is to me what January is to others. No spring cleaning for me - October makes me want to clean out clutter and get organized. Start my diet ( I know ), start exercising more...and the list goes on.
It starts the beginning of decorating your home - first for the fall, then Thanksgiving, and topping it off with Christmas. It's when you can cook a big pot of chili and enjoy watching your favorite (Crimson Tide) or not so favorite ( Auburn Tigers) play ball. In fact, I can't think of one single down side to October. I just hate that we only have 31 days to get to enjoy it.

So, if you'll excuse me, I am about to take off my socks and start mopping

This is the day that which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalms 118:24

1 comment:

  1. I like this one a lot!! Very well put. I thought the thing about "free weather" was especially clever. :)
