October is finally here. It is by far my favorite month of the year. Maybe its because of the break from the heat that causes you to break out into a sweat just going from your house to your car...or maybe because it is what I call "free weather" - where you don't have to run your A/C or your heater. It could be the beautiful colors in the changing of the leaves. I know the spring is beautiful too with all the blooming flowers, but it still can't hold a candle to October. It is just something about this month that makes me want to get out and do all those things that I have put off all summer. I jokingly tell people that October makes me want to mop floors. That is the best way I can describe how October makes me feel. This may be a weird analogy to you, but if you know me, you know I have a thing for clean floors. I love that feeling of walking on floors and not feeling any grit on them. My husband used to tell me that I was going to sweep the grooves off the floor with all my sweeping. He gave me some pretty good advice - wear socks. So, I took his advice and to this day, I hardly ever walk around bare footed in my house. October is to me what January is to others. No spring cleaning for me - October makes me want to clean out clutter and get organized. Start my diet ( I know ), start exercising more...and the list goes on.
It starts the beginning of decorating your home - first for the fall, then Thanksgiving, and topping it off with Christmas. It's when you can cook a big pot of chili and enjoy watching your favorite (Crimson Tide) or not so favorite ( Auburn Tigers) play ball. In fact, I can't think of one single down side to October. I just hate that we only have 31 days to get to enjoy it.
So, if you'll excuse me, I am about to take off my socks and start mopping
This is the day that which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
It starts the beginning of decorating your home - first for the fall, then Thanksgiving, and topping it off with Christmas. It's when you can cook a big pot of chili and enjoy watching your favorite (Crimson Tide) or not so favorite ( Auburn Tigers) play ball. In fact, I can't think of one single down side to October. I just hate that we only have 31 days to get to enjoy it.
So, if you'll excuse me, I am about to take off my socks and start mopping
This is the day that which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalms 118:24
I like this one a lot!! Very well put. I thought the thing about "free weather" was especially clever. :)