When me and some of my friends get to talking about getting older, it always comes with a lot of sighs and list of procedures we want to have done. Society has done this to us, especially women. Somehow we are supposed to get older with out actually looking any older. Now, I am not taking about that 1% that have been genetically blessed and somehow can pull that off. I am talking about the other 99% that don't. Growing old is inevitable. I mean, it sure beats the alternative. Other than my 30th birthday, birthdays don't bother me. I am just proud to be on this side of the dirt. I have my 50th coming up in about 18 months, and I am not sure if it is going to bother me or not. I would like to say no, but the truth is, I don't look forward to it. I mean who in their right mind would look forward to turning half a century??!! I know age is just a number and you are as young as you feel, and blah, blah, blah. The truth is - getting olders sucks. It's not the part of getting older that I have a problem with - I just don't like the side effects. The weight gain! When I was younger, I could cut back and lose 5 lbs in a matter of days. I had the metabolism of a energizer bunny. Now, I could consist of lettuce and water and still the scale doesn't move. The loss of muscle tone is terrible. My legs used to be my best assest, but time stole that as well. My kids tell me that I still have good legs...."from the knees down". I will take it as a compliment. Wrinkles. All those years of baking in the sun in my teenager years. We didn't have tanning beds back then and no computer to fill our long summer days, so we spent it working on our tans. The truth is gravity is a harsh fact of life.
The list could go on and on, but honestly, don't you think that is the way God designed it? I think we should definitely do the very best to take care of ourselves, but we do have to accept that these bodies age and just like anything else, they wear down. They get wrinkles and a few extra ( okay, alot ) of pounds.
It saddens to see to all this plastic surgery going on. I ain't talking about the older generation - I talking the 20 somethings. Just look at Heidi Montag. Ten procedures in one day? I honestly did not see anything (on the outside) that needed fixing. In fact, in my opinion, she was alot prettier before the work was done. The society and Hollywood message though is completely different. If she thinks she needs fixing now, what is the world is she going to do when she is staring at 50?? Maybe what needs fixing is what's on the inside.
Back to my friends. We were talking about wrinkles and getting botox and fillers. I had never heard of fillers but was informed that it is something they inject in your face to smooth out wrinkles and it last about a year. It comes at a price tag of around $1,000.00. First of all, I am cheap. I could never blow that kind of money on wrinkles. Do you know how many pairs of shoes I could buy with a $1,000.00?? Second, I am scared of anything being pumped into my face. People say oh, it's all natural. Remember this: snake venom is all natural too, but you won't see me pumping that into my body either. Who knows what problems you could face down the road. I would like to say that is why I would never get work done, but the truth is , I just want to grow old gracefully. I want to (try) to accept my aging body as it is. I know I won't always like what I see in the mirror, but I hope I can always like the person I see in the mirror. If we worried about what God sees on the inside rather than what people see on the outside, we would truly be more beautiful in everybodys sight.
Now, I know I hold a very different opinion than most people. I don't judge others for what they do. This post is not meant to offend anyone. If you need or want work done, then go for it. I would be the first one to say I wish I could have a "mommy makeover". I am talking about accepting aging. Accepting that certain parts of your life are gone, never to be seen again.
Instead of dreading 50, maybe I should hope to turn 50. Alot of people don't make it to their 50th. Having a 50th birthday should be reason to celebrate! That means 50 years of love, life, family, and God's blessings! That is what we call living life! I think I am just gonna forget the age and just enjoy every day of life!
The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becometh holiness.
Titus 2:3a
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