December 19, 2010

Two Saturdays

I did something this morning that I don't like to do. I didn't go to church. I woke up at 5:00 am with a head banging headache, so I took some meds to help me sleep. They did their job and I slept until 10:30 -which meant I couldn't make it on time. When I did wake up, my headache was gone and in fact, I felt great! I decided that I would go and get the rest of my groceries for my holiday cooking. I stopped into Zaxby's to eat and all these people came in with their Sunday best on and here I was in my jeans. I know nobody thought anything of it, but I felt guilty. I felt like I should explain why I was not in my Sunday best either...that I had a good excuse. That I almost never miss church.

I need church. I need the sweet fellowship of other believers, but what I need the most is the good hard preaching. I need to walk out on Sunday mornings with my toes stepped on. I need to be reminded every week of what Jesus did for ME! I need to be reminded that I can't do anything on my own. The truth is we can easily forget all these things during the week, or at least I can. I also know that once you missed one service, it is easier to miss the next one...and then the next one. Next thing you know, you aren't going at all and your toes aren't getting stepped on, which can lead to forgetting. I have to admit that not going to church this morning gave me a second "Saturday" this week to get things done - but I didn't enjoy it because things just didn't seem right today. In fact, I would rather be faithful to my church every Sunday (and Wednesday) than to have a second Saturday every week. By God's grace, I want to be counted as faithful.

Not forsaking the assemblying of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
Hebrews 10:25

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