December 29, 2010

New Year Resolutions

I am not one to make New Years resolutions. Oh, I did when I was younger with every intent on carrying them out. Some years, I even stuck to them for a week. Over the years, you just realize that you really don't need a new year to make changes in your life. I think it is not a bad idea actually to evaluate things in your life at the close of a year. Here are a few things I would like to improve in my life in 2011:

Eat healthier. Not dieting, just try to make better choices.

Improve my prayer life. All it takes is one look around and you see the desperate need of more prayers.

Take up running. I have never been able to run even when I was younger and in shape. I have been told that it is because I am not breathing correctly. Also, my pace in everything is always full speed ahead. I have been told to find a pace that I can run and keep it steady. I need to learn that I don't have to be the fastest.

Learn to respond instead of react. Nuff said.

Think on good things. Nip those bad thoughts in the bud when you get them. It really does work.
Complain less.

Hand out more gospel tracts.

Buy less.....of everything.

Read more books - I did a lot more reading before FB came along.

Get completely out of debt.

Try new recipes. I have a habit of cooking the same old thing every week.

Drink more water.

Save more money.

Send out cards to encourage others.

Learn to sew. I want to learn really bad!

Learn to grocery shop better. I buy and buy and stuff in my pantry without really knowing what I have.

Last, but not least .....figure out why my blog has so much empty space. Everytime I try to fix it, it just gets worse!

Well, I could go on and on, but that is enough to keep me busy for a while.

Happy New Years!

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before. Philippians 3:13

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