Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. Malachi 3:11b

May 27, 2012
Remembering the fallen
Memorial Day is a big day in our lives. For some, it marks school being out and the start of their summer. To some, it may mean cookouts and time to hit the water. So much so, that Memorial Day marks the day that hotel rates go up, especially those on the coast.
The last Monday of each May, our nation observes a holiday now called Memorial Day. It was originally called Decoration Day for the tradition of beautifying the graves of fallen soldiers. The day that we honor those who fought and gave the greatest sacrifice they could so that we could live today in freedom. This love of country, this sense of honor and duty should be reverenced and admired for the calling that these soldiers have so given of themselves to fulfill. Our military are daily placed in harm's way both at home and abroad, carrying the torch for MY freedom. May we never take for granted the privileges afforded to us by the soldiers who have given their all to preserve it for us. Not only do they sacrifice, but their family also sacrifice a lot for our freedom.
Rex and I had the opportunity last year to go to Arlington National Cemetery in Washington DC. Just looking at the rows and rows of markers for the fallen soldiers was one of my most humbling experiences I have ever had. We spent a lot of time looking at names because each tombstone represented a soldier. Each soldier represented someones husband, son, father, and friend. Someone who gave all their tomorrows for our todays.
So the next time you see a soldier in uniform, tell them thank you for their service to our country and how much you appreciate their sacrifices for YOUR freedom. It is because of them that we can lay down each night knowing that they are protecting us.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13
May 14, 2012
Just One
I have a way of deceiving my own self at times. When I am dieting, I ask myself what is the problem with taking just one little bite?? I rationalize it and I justify it. The problem with that one little bite is that it usually leads to another and then another, until next thing I know, I have blown my entire diet. And it all started with one little bite. Before long, I am regretting that one little bite.
We all tend to rationalize those little things in our lives. Just one little white lie. Just one little peek. Just one little drink. Just one little ____________________. Just fill in the blank with whatever because we all have our different temptations. Our nature is to justify and rationalize away the seriousness of that one little sin. One sin is a big deal to God. Romans 6:23 clearly says the the wages of sin is death. Sin as in singular. One sin is enough to make you a sinner and bound for hell. One sin is also enough to keep your prayers hindered. Psalms 66:18 says if I hide iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me. This is something that has has really hit me right between the eyes here lately. How often do we tell people we are going to pray for them or actually spend time in prayer and have iniquity hidden in our heart? Oh sure, we confess (or should) confess those things that are obvious. The things we say that we shouldn't, the bad thoughts we have, not reading our Bible like we should. Basically those visible sins we know are wrong. We know to confess them. But what about that sin that we have hidden deep within our hearts that isn't so visible? That bitterness that we harbor or the unforgiveness of a person for a wrong doing? We tell our selves that we have forgiven them, but deep within our hearts we haven't. It may be buried so deep that we are not even aware of it and so it doesn't propose a threat to our prayer life. Unconfessed sins hidden deep in our heart is like a cancer. It may start out so small that we are not even aware of it's presence. But before long, it will rear it's ugly head and start destroying everything it comes in contact with. One little sin can cause God not to hear your prayers. Most of the time, the sins that keep our prayers hindered are not the public sins we commit, but more of those secret ones.
In the matter of sin, there is no "one little sin."
If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.
Psalms 66:18
We all tend to rationalize those little things in our lives. Just one little white lie. Just one little peek. Just one little drink. Just one little ____________________. Just fill in the blank with whatever because we all have our different temptations. Our nature is to justify and rationalize away the seriousness of that one little sin. One sin is a big deal to God. Romans 6:23 clearly says the the wages of sin is death. Sin as in singular. One sin is enough to make you a sinner and bound for hell. One sin is also enough to keep your prayers hindered. Psalms 66:18 says if I hide iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me. This is something that has has really hit me right between the eyes here lately. How often do we tell people we are going to pray for them or actually spend time in prayer and have iniquity hidden in our heart? Oh sure, we confess (or should) confess those things that are obvious. The things we say that we shouldn't, the bad thoughts we have, not reading our Bible like we should. Basically those visible sins we know are wrong. We know to confess them. But what about that sin that we have hidden deep within our hearts that isn't so visible? That bitterness that we harbor or the unforgiveness of a person for a wrong doing? We tell our selves that we have forgiven them, but deep within our hearts we haven't. It may be buried so deep that we are not even aware of it and so it doesn't propose a threat to our prayer life. Unconfessed sins hidden deep in our heart is like a cancer. It may start out so small that we are not even aware of it's presence. But before long, it will rear it's ugly head and start destroying everything it comes in contact with. One little sin can cause God not to hear your prayers. Most of the time, the sins that keep our prayers hindered are not the public sins we commit, but more of those secret ones.
In the matter of sin, there is no "one little sin."
If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.
Psalms 66:18
May 12, 2012
Happy Anniversary to us!
Rex and I recently celebrated our 30th anniversary. We didn't do anything big or spectacular to celebrate - just going out to dinner. If I don't have to cook or clean the kitchen, I am happy. A lady in my church asked me what our secret was in making it to 30 years. Secret? I laughed inside. I don't have a "secret" nor do I have a perfect marriage. Just ask Rex or the girls. They know we are anything but perfect. The truth is, marriage is what you make of it. I learned a lot about marriage over the course of 30 years and I wish I knew a lot of this as a young bride. So here are a few things I would tell that young bride of 20.
Respect the intuition of marriage.
Remember love has the power to heal just about anything you deal with in your marriage.
Marriage doesn't just take care of itself. You have to invest time into it.
Don't assume the "I love you's." Tell them everyday. (Even if you are not feeling it.)
Be the first to say "I am sorry." No matter who got it started, by the end of the quarrel, you both added to it.
Listen to what is not being said.
Always remember, you only get to a golden anniversary one day at a time.
Pick your battles.
Keep your promises.
Fight fair.
Be kind to each other.
Remember you are on the same team.
Give each other space. Nothing grows in the shade.
Go the extra mile for the sake of peace.
Shut your mouth for the sake of peace.
Encourage each other instead of nagging.
Forget about 50/50.
Handle conflict - don't let it handle you.
Pray for your mate.
Let the husband render unto his wife due benevolence:and likewise also the wife unto the husband.
I Corinthians 7:3
Respect the intuition of marriage.
Remember love has the power to heal just about anything you deal with in your marriage.
Marriage doesn't just take care of itself. You have to invest time into it.
Don't assume the "I love you's." Tell them everyday. (Even if you are not feeling it.)
Be the first to say "I am sorry." No matter who got it started, by the end of the quarrel, you both added to it.
Listen to what is not being said.
Always remember, you only get to a golden anniversary one day at a time.
Pick your battles.
Keep your promises.
Fight fair.
Be kind to each other.
Remember you are on the same team.
Give each other space. Nothing grows in the shade.
Go the extra mile for the sake of peace.
Shut your mouth for the sake of peace.
Encourage each other instead of nagging.
Forget about 50/50.
Handle conflict - don't let it handle you.
Pray for your mate.
Let the husband render unto his wife due benevolence:and likewise also the wife unto the husband.
I Corinthians 7:3
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