November 5, 2012

Election 2012

Tomorrow, we will be voting on  (hopefully), a new president.  This election is probably the most important election of our lifetime.   Hopefully, it will be the day that America fires Obama and takes America back.  I am praying Mitt Romney wins by a large enough margin, so the Dems won't fight the results in court.  America just can't handle four more years of Obama.   Or his politics.  Or his spending.   I am hoping that most Americans feel the same way and will show up and make this election another  "Chik Fil A" moment that says "We want America back."
This election in more than who will be our President for the next four years.  It will be about where America is heading.   Right now, America in heading for a collapse.   You just can't keep going the way we are heading and be prosperous.   Economically and spiritually.  
I know people have died to give us each a right to vote.   That, is what makes America so great.   But, for the life of me, I don't understand how people make uninformed votes.    The right to vote is too important to do so in ignorance.    We have a crowd that keeps up with the Kardashians, but have no idea what each candidate stands for.   Sadly, their vote counts as much as someone who does.    I am no politic expert, but I do listen to both sides.  I listen to what they say and see if it aligns up with what they do.    Obama may call himself a Christian, but there is no evidence to back it up.   Romney isn't perfect either.    While I do not believe in the Mormon faith, I do believe his faith has shaped him into a man of  character and morals.   A lot of people feel like they have to "hold their nose" while voting for a Mormon, but we have to remember, we are not electing a pastor, but a president.   Someone who can be a leader and do what is in the best interest of our country.   I believe Mitt Romney is the best candidate for the job.  
People voted for Obama because they were looking for hope and voted emotionally.   It made them feel good to vote for a black man.   Maybe to prove to themselves and the world that they weren't prejudiced.   But,  that is actually in itself prejudice.   We can drop the race card, voting Obama in office proved that we as Americans don't have a problem with race when it comes to a President.  My problem with Obama is not his race, it's his politics. 
While, I am hoping that Obama loses his job come November 6th, I do know that the election results will not take God for surprise.  Nobody will take office without Him allowing it.  I would be lying if I said I wouldn't be frightened if Obama gets re-elected.   I think of the impact it would have on my children and their children.  But, God has commanded us not to put our confidence in man, so I am going with that. 
  I am praying that God will be merciful to America.