I ran into an old friend yesterday while shopping at Wally World. We stood around catching up on each others families when the subject turned to the high price of gasoline. After much discussion, my friend called me cheap. Cheap is defined as stingy and miserly. That is so not me. I prefer the term frugal which means economical, prudent, and not wasteful. Now, that is so me. I explained to him that the last time gas shot up so high, I did my best to consume less gas. I would basically go to work, go to church, and use my Saturday to go to Montgomery to shop and buy groceries. If I needed something mid-week, I would go on Wednesday night before church. Luckily, I work just a few miles from work, so most weeks, I could get by on a half of tank of gas.
Being frugal is in my blood - passed down by my parents. While they were frugal more out of necessity, mine is more out of habit and choice. That choice has served me well over the years. Being frugal means never having to keep up with the Jone's because well, that just cost too much. When my girls were in college, I used a prepaid phone from T-Mobile - which was the butt of a lot of jokes from coworkers. I only used it in an emergency situation or for a quick call home. It was basically a phone that was one up from the bag phone - no joke. This phone averaged me $10.00 per month. Could I have afforded a fancier more up to date phone? Sure. I just did not want to pay the hefty price tag plus the monthly contract cost associated with it. There are a lot of things that I could afford over the years that I chose not to spend our money on. I am proud to say that those kind of life long choices allowed my husband and myself to stay out of alot of debt. It allowed my girls to go through school with no student loans hanging over their heads after graduation. I must add that about a year after Jamie graduated, I had no problem throwing out my old phone and upgrading to the Droid. I basically went from a Chevette to a Porsche in the mobile phone world. I feel like I can justify the expense now that my girls are out of school.
I know my friend was not calling me cheap in the sense of cheap and stingy. He knows me to well for that. Cheap doesn't like to spend money - one look inside my closet would testify that is not the case. I just like to be frugal and look for bargains. I am proud to say that both my girls have that same frugal blood running through their veins and that makes this frugal mom proud!!
Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.
I Corinthians 4:2
Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. Malachi 3:11b

February 28, 2011
February 10, 2011
Hacked and Ticked
I. HATE. THIEVES....well, hate is a very strong word. I highly dislike thieves. I don't know what I am doing wrong, but my family have been targeted more than the national average. Just this week, someone hacked my FB account. They began chatting with some of my friends telling them that I had been mugged at gunpoint. One friend in particular got really worried and tracked me down by phone to check on me (thanks Jennifer.) Just so happens I work for a UK based company and "I" told her I was in the UK...sounded feasible to her. They took it upon themselves to chat to at least 3 friends that I know of and told them I had been mugged. They took the liberty of changing my e-mail account and FB password. It never ceases to amaze me how low these scumbags will go to try and scam somebody.
I have worked and paid for everything I own. I have bought my own car, my clothes, my shoes, books, computer, cell phone, hair cuts...I mean I have paid for everything I own. When I see something I want and I can't afford it, I deal with it. I don't start trying to devise a plan on how I can steal it. My house has been broken into 1 time and attempted at least 3 more times. We have had checks stolen out of our mailbox and forged all over the tri-county area. My daughter was on every bad check list around and trying to get that straightened out would make a good person want to pull on gun and shoot the thief. Not to mention, my bills were strewn along the road...some of them were found as far as 50 miles away. Most companies worked with me, but some charged me late fees. So this honest person had to spend more money to have a PO Box instead of the luxury of walking out my door and fetching my mail. I've had to spend money to replace back doors where thieves have busted the windows out my door. I guess they really didn't believe all those stickers on the window stating we are secured by an alarm system that runs me a monthly bill. Someone has broken into my husband's very secure shed and stole his four wheeler and his week old trailer to haul it on. Do you know how hard it is to make a payment on something that you don't even own anymore? This event caused us to put up a thick heavy gate and electric gate opener ($1,500.00) to keep people out.
I have had the opportunity to get something for nothing. I once went to Walmart to buy two pair of pants that my father in law had asked for as a Christmas present. I wanted to pay for them separately as to make it easier on him if he needed to exchange them. After she finished ringing up my groceries, she forgot about the pants and I took them home without paying for them. When I took them back the next week and told them in customer service what I had done - she was shocked that I brought them back. She told me that I could have kept them and nobody would have ever known....yeah, they would have. I only hope that the day I decided to throw away my integrity, it will be for more than forty dollars. I pay for what I get - well, except for the few times that I have passed my kids off as younger in order to get the kiddie price off the menu. If I could go back, I wouldn't even do that. I thought it was not fair to charge an adult price for my kids who would eat three saltines and be through. But it was still wrong and my kids knew that. Bad, bad, bad example I set and believe you me, they NEVER let me forget.
It seems to me that if these lazy scumbags would put all this time and energy they put into planning and scheming and stealing , they could well, work. Until then, I will continue to work. Not only to pay for the things I want, but to pay to keep the things I buy.
Thou shalt not steal.
Exodus 20:15
I have worked and paid for everything I own. I have bought my own car, my clothes, my shoes, books, computer, cell phone, hair cuts...I mean I have paid for everything I own. When I see something I want and I can't afford it, I deal with it. I don't start trying to devise a plan on how I can steal it. My house has been broken into 1 time and attempted at least 3 more times. We have had checks stolen out of our mailbox and forged all over the tri-county area. My daughter was on every bad check list around and trying to get that straightened out would make a good person want to pull on gun and shoot the thief. Not to mention, my bills were strewn along the road...some of them were found as far as 50 miles away. Most companies worked with me, but some charged me late fees. So this honest person had to spend more money to have a PO Box instead of the luxury of walking out my door and fetching my mail. I've had to spend money to replace back doors where thieves have busted the windows out my door. I guess they really didn't believe all those stickers on the window stating we are secured by an alarm system that runs me a monthly bill. Someone has broken into my husband's very secure shed and stole his four wheeler and his week old trailer to haul it on. Do you know how hard it is to make a payment on something that you don't even own anymore? This event caused us to put up a thick heavy gate and electric gate opener ($1,500.00) to keep people out.
I have had the opportunity to get something for nothing. I once went to Walmart to buy two pair of pants that my father in law had asked for as a Christmas present. I wanted to pay for them separately as to make it easier on him if he needed to exchange them. After she finished ringing up my groceries, she forgot about the pants and I took them home without paying for them. When I took them back the next week and told them in customer service what I had done - she was shocked that I brought them back. She told me that I could have kept them and nobody would have ever known....yeah, they would have. I only hope that the day I decided to throw away my integrity, it will be for more than forty dollars. I pay for what I get - well, except for the few times that I have passed my kids off as younger in order to get the kiddie price off the menu. If I could go back, I wouldn't even do that. I thought it was not fair to charge an adult price for my kids who would eat three saltines and be through. But it was still wrong and my kids knew that. Bad, bad, bad example I set and believe you me, they NEVER let me forget.
It seems to me that if these lazy scumbags would put all this time and energy they put into planning and scheming and stealing , they could well, work. Until then, I will continue to work. Not only to pay for the things I want, but to pay to keep the things I buy.
Thou shalt not steal.
Exodus 20:15
February 7, 2011
Happy Birthday to me!

My cup is truly full. I celebrated my 49th birthday this past week. To be honest, I have never been one to celebrate my birthday. While my age doesn't really bother me, I sure didn't feel like celebrating turning 49. I remember last year, I tried to take my birthday off Facebook so no one would realize it. Don't ask me why because I don't know why. Maybe it makes me the center of attention, which makes me uncomfortable. Maybe it's because I don't like people to spend money on me for gifts - especially my girls. Funny thing is, I have always made a huge deal out of my girl's birthdays. My motto has always been that a person should feel special on their birthday. Somehow, I just didn't apply that to me - but this year was one of my best birthday's ever! I received so many sweet texts, e-mails, cards, and phone calls. I had lunch with my brother and sister, and dinner with my family. I received flowers, cakes, jewelry, and M&M's. I felt so blessed on my birthday for all my friends and family...I felt special. Yes, my cup runneth over!
This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalms 118:24
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