November 30, 2010

Reminder to us all

I bought three sympathy cards this past weekend. I don't know why, but it seems like more deaths occur during the holiday season. Maybe, we just realize that this time of the years makes it harder....I don't know. As I was checking out with the cards, I thought how sad this holiday season is going to be for these three families. How there will be an empty chair where this person once sat. I lost my mom six days before Christmas and I can remember that first Christmas without her. You try to keep things as normal as you can for the kids sake, but it just wasn't the same. Moms are the ones that plan Christmas and pull it off. They are the "glue" that holds the family together. I still remember that feeling I felt that Christmas Eve and I would be lying if I didn't say her presence wasn't still missed every Christmas.

One of the families was a mother of a friend at church. She had lived a full life and was diagnosed with cancer a few months back. She knew she didn't have long and while that sounds terrible, God really blessed her by giving her a deathbed. She had time to think about her eternity. Knowing you are going to die will make you more readily accepting of the gospel. This lady accepted Jesus as her Savior two weeks before she died. So while my friend will grieve her mother, she can have assurance of seeing her again.

The second card was for the parents of a 25 year old girl in our community. She too was diagnosed with cancer back in the summer. She just graduated from Auburn with a degree in Pharmacy. She was the top student in her graduating class. She married a dentist and life should have been good. I can't even imagine what her parents are feeling. How they are coping. Her poor husband! They had not even celebrated their first year anniversary. The best part of this story is that she was a Christian and they can take comfort in that....but I know there will be some dark days ahead for this family.

The third card was for a step father of a friend of Jamie's from high school. He took his own life. I didn't really know him that well, but his family says he was a Christian and was reading his Bible shortly before he died. While I don't understand depression, I do sympathize with people that deal with it. My heart breaks for this family as they try to deal with not only the loss of their loved one, but the emotions that are sure to be there because of his decision.

Losing a loved one is never easy, but all three of these familes can take comfort in knowing their loved one is in heaven. It is a reminder to us all that we need to make sure we are praying for our lost family members, because nobody is promised tomorrow.

Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of comfort.
II Corintians 1:3

November 27, 2010

The Simple Things

Diamond rings. Luxury cars. Fur coats. Extravagant vacations. Sounds like the life of the rich and famous. Everywhere we turn today, society tries to sum up our success by the material possessions that we own. Every woman enjoys the occasional bling and everybody needs that occasional get away from it all vacation, but they don't bring happiness. If they did, you wouldn't see the Hollywood crowd overdosing and doing another stint in rehab. I have compiled a list of things that are important to me and never fail to put a smile on my face.Other than the first one, they are in no particular order.

1. Faith - no matter how bad things get in your life, if you have faith in who holds your future, you have hope.

2. Puppies - everybody loves puppies. They are just so darn cute! So cute that sometimes I have made a decision to get one when I really shouldn't have. That is the effect puppies have on me.

3. Flowers - every woman loves flowers. I am not a fan of getting them all the time, but those random unexpected delivery of flowers can make my day. Heck, they can make my week!

4. Friends - everybody needs a good friend. One that they can open up to without fear of ridicule or judgement. One that listens - sometimes over and over.

5. Good book - I love to read! I love to get hold of a book that I can't put down, but that I don't want to finish because I don't want it to be over.

6. Family - I was blessed with a great family. We are not perfect, but we are there for each other. Family will be there when everybody else walks out.

7. Bubble baths - nothing relaxes like a bubble bath. I love to get in the tub with a good book. I definitely don't do this enough.

8. Dessert - I have a huge sweet tooth. I have been known to sometimes eat dessert first and then supper.

9. Family get togethers - I love to have my family over to eat. Sitting around eating, talking and watching old family videotapes. Don't get much better than that.

10. Walks - Getting out and walking. Not walking as in exercise, but just getting out to walk and observe nature. Rex and I used to do that a lot when we were younger - before life got so busy.

11. Chick flick - I love me a good chick flick. I am a romantic at heart, so I love most all chick flicks - even the predictable ones panned by critics.

12. Sunset/sunrise - Don't have to say much about these, but they are just spectacular especially when the weather is just right.

13. Trust - every relationship is based on some element of trust. The bigger the relationship, the higher the trust should be. I love the fact that I can trust my husband. He has got my back and I take great comfort in that.

14. Kindness - never underestimate what the power of kindness can do. I have been on the giving and receiving end of kindness. When you receive it, you realize just how important it is to give it. Kindness is never a wasted effort even when it feels unappreciated at the time.

15. Romance - doing those little things for your significant other. The longer you are married, the easier it is to let this go by the wayside. Taking the time to do the little things for your mate is at least a way of letting them know you are thinking about them.

16. Grandparents - I was not blessed to really know my grandparents, but I have been able to witness the relationship my girls have had with their grandparents. Grandparents have the time and patience to slow things down and just enjoy the things at their level.

17. Dressing up - those occasional events that demand us to get in our Sunday best. While I am a casual dresser, I do like those occasions when we can step it up a notch. My husband doesn't care for this, but I do like to see him dressed in a coat and tie as well.

18. Wisdom - this may sound like a strange thing to put on my list, but I love hearing wisdom from someone who has lived life. There is a huge difference between advice and wisdom.

19. Self fulfilment - accomplishing that one thing that you thought you could not do. On my list, is learning to run. The feeling that we get when we accomplish it just can't be duplicated.

20. Understanding - I love to be understood. In most of mine and Rex's fights over the years, I have always told him that I didn't care to be right, I just wanted to be understood. Ha, I still don't think he understands me after 28+ years.

21. Memories - I have so many wonderful memories of my childhood and of my children's childhood. When my family gets together, the talk always seem to turn to the memories that we hold so dear.

22. Chocolate - need I say more? I sometimes think I can feel the endorphins explode when I finally have some good milk chocolate after a drought. I am not joking.

23. Contentment - I love that I am content. I have never really been the type to want bigger and better. I have never tried to keep up with the Jones. Sometimes you get what you want, but lose what you had. Not being content can be a curse!

24. Weekend getaways - I love to just get away for the weekend. Doesn't have to be far or fancy, just a change of scenery. When my kids were little, we would do this a lot more often.

25. Lazy days - I don't do these very often. The main reason is I have a hard time just sitting around being lazy, but somedays, it is just what is needed to get refreshed from the daily rat race.

26. I love you - it doesn't matter if I hear it from my husband, my kids, my family, church member, or my best friend - those three words make me smile.

27. Pictures - I love to take pictures! I love capturing a moment in time and forever having it on paper. I have a guy friend that jokes me about all my pictures are of the kids just standing there...yeah, what's wrong with that? My regret is that I didn't take even more when they were little.

I could go on and on with a million other things that make me happy. Maybe the reason we aren't satisfied with simple things is because we have them in abundance. All I know is the diamonds, furs, and other extragant things are nice, they really are just "icing on the cake."

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Matthew 6:21

November 23, 2010

Iron Bowl 2010

It's the most wonderful time of the year and I ain't talking about Christmas. If you are from Alabama, you know what I am talking about. The Iron Bowl! Alabama vs. Auburn. This game is not just a game, no - the winner of this game basically has bragging rights for the next year. This game under any circumstances tests our friendships, and sometimes marriages (for those with mixed marriages.) I love the rivalry between these two teams. Not the kind where the fans are obnoxious and yes, both teams have these kinds of fans. I am talking about the chiding with co-workers and fun putdowns. Poking fun at their attire on casual Friday's. I remember when I first moved back to Tallassee in 1972- people didn't want to know my name. No, they wanted to know which team I pulled for - you know, the important stuff. This is part of what makes the rivalry so much fun. I have one co-worker that when he sees me or I see him, the first words out of our mouths are either Roll Tide or War Eagle. We have fun with it...we can discuss Cam Newton without arguing. I think we have the best rivalry in college football and that is what makes it all the more exciting.

This year is different though....the emotions on both teams are at an all time high. Auburn has the front runner Heisman candidate on their team. All the hype surrounding Cam Newton adds fuel to the fire. Auburn coming to the Iron Bowl undefeated has the momentum of the Auburn fans rallying around their Tigers. They have their eye on that National Championship that has eluded them. It has definitely been Auburn's year. They have played good ball, and I can't take that away from them. Yes, the Tigers are ready to come in and do their thing.

Alabama comes in with two losses. This may have hurt us in our dreams of another National Championship, but a win against Auburn would surely redeems us. We have the home team advantage this year. We just need to be able to stop Cam Newton - something no other team has been able to do yet. As an Alabama fan, I have no doubt that we can. We may not be ranked no. 1 right now, but we still have that pride that is needed for a win.

The truth is that when these two teams meet up, you just never know what is going to happen. It doesn't matter how good or bad these teams have played in the past - this game is just different. I wish I could say that if Auburn beats us, I would still like to see Auburn go all the way....but I can't. I think most Auburn fans feel the same way.

One thing I do know - if Auburn does beat us, I will be upset, but I will wake up on Saturday and get on with my life. After all, it is just a game! Oh, and ROLL TIDE!!

Let all things be done decently and in order.
1 Corinthians 14:40

November 22, 2010

Happy birthday Babyfloyd!

Well, my baby went and turned 25. I think she has been dreading the day, but she could easily pass for 20. We had a birthday bash with some fried chicken, and double starches - macaroni and cheese and potato salad. We topped it off with some apple dapple cake. It is always nice to get the family together and celebrate.

Jamie is thriving in her job that she loves. I can't imagine a day filled with high energy adolescent tweens in the throes of puberty. God bless her! She is trying to figure out what to go back and get her master degree in, but I know she will figure it out. I am so proud of her and even prouder that she calls me mom.

Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.
1Timothy 4:12

The Power of One

I watched a special on TV yesterday on the life of Madalyn Murray O'Hair. She was the founder of the American Atheist Association and was single handedly responsible for taking organized prayer out of school back in 1963. Maybe it was because I went to school in the bible belt, but I remember saying prayer at least up until the 5th grade which was around 1973. I don't get this woman. I understand there are a lot of people who don't believe in God, but she was so driven. I honestly believe she liked being in the spotlight and speaking out against God in the early 60's gave her the attention she craved. While she went through her life declaring there is no God, the bible tells us in Romans 1:20 that we are without excuse because we can clearly see things that are created. I do know this - Madalyn Murray O'Hair changed her mind around 1 second after she slipped into eternity. One day, she will bow down and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

My point is not her view, but in the fact that one person made such a monumental change in our nation. One person stopped prayer in school. Sometimes we think we are just one person - what can we do? What does my one vote count for? She is a perfect example that one person can make a difference. In her case, it was a bad difference, but it is a huge reminder to us that we can change things. One person can make a difference in our government, in our workplace, in our schools, and in other people's lives.

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.
Romans 1:20

That at the name of Jesus, every knee shall bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth. And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Phillipians 2:10-11

Psalm 103

Sometimes during this week of Thanksgiving, grab your Bible and read Psalms 103. Don't just read it silently, read it aloud. This chapter is probably one of the best Psalms in regard to having a heart of thanks. The first verse talks of praising God with all that is within me. Wow, I do praise God, but can I honestly say I do it with all that is within me? Not even close. In verse two, David talks about not forgetting all His benefits. Guilty again. As I kept reading, I noticed several verbs that he used to remember those benefits. He writes how God forgiveth, healeth, redeemeth, crowneth, and satisfieth. You could stop right there if you can't find anything else in your life to be thankful for. David then list some of God's attributes that we should also be thankful for: merciful, gracious, slow to anger, plenteous in mercy. He then writes of God vastness - something I don't think we will ever grasp this side of heaven. He writes that God's mercy is as great as the distance between heaven and earth. He writes that our sins are removed as far as east is from west. I have probably read this Psalms many times before, but today the verses just really opened my eyes. We all tend to focus on the blessings that we can see and touch, but forget the ones we can't see. The ones that will last for all eternity.

This week, remember to take a little time and count your blessings. If you can't be thankful for what you have have, be thankful for what you avoided.

Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within my, bless his holy name.
Psalms 103:1

November 16, 2010

Heart of Thanks

Tonight we had ladies fellowship. I was the assigned person to speak and it being Thanksgiving, I naturally talked about that. I am not going to give my entire outline, but I just talked about how this time of year tends to be our busiest and most stress full ( guilty) time of year. We have a lot of shopping, cooking, decorating, and cleaning to do. I tried to encourage the ladies with Psalms 46:10 - Be still and know that I am God. Sometimes our busy schedules leaves little time to do our daily devotion. Little time for prayer. God is not the God of hustle and bustle and over crowded schedules. Maybe this time of year, we should schedule some extra time of prayer and Bible study.

Hebrews 13:15 was my key verse - By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise continually that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. I just talked about how we should always have a spirit of thankfulness. First to God, and then for others. How sometimes we don't thank God enough because we are too prosperous. We have so much. Each one of us have more clothes in our closet right now than our ancestors probably had in their entire life. There is nothing wrong with prosperity because all good things come above, but sometimes our prosperity can be our stumbling block. We also forget the past blessings that God has given us. What He did last week, last month, or last year. We forget so easily. I also talked about being thankful for the things others do for you. I can remember when my mom died, my dad said he regretted how he didn't help my mom more than he did. Now he had to do the dishes, clean, buy groceries, and basically run the household. He never realized how much work she did to keep things running smoothly. Now he had a newfound gratitude for all she did for him.

I ended by giving everybody a sheet of paper and asked them to list 3 things under these categories:

3 things you have never thanked God for

3 things you have never thanked your spouse for ( or parents for unmarried )

3 things you have never thanked anybody for

I then went around the room and let people read their answers - and what a sweet spirit we had as we each read our answers. I had never thanked God that my children were born without any birth defects or that I wasn't born in a Muslim faith family. I have never thanked my husband for keeping my oil changed in my car or keeping firewood cut. I have never stopped a random soldier to thank him for his sacrifices or thanked a police office for keeping us safe. There were so many great answers, but hopefully it made us aware of the blessings that we just overlook on a daily basis.

So as we approach Thanksgiving, let's be sure to give thanks - to our Creator. As children of God, lets give him the praise that is due Him.

What can you thank God for in your life?

November 13, 2010


As I was driving down a country road yesterday, I saw a tattered old man standing close to the road. Naturally I slowed down my driving - and as I rode by, I was shocked to see that it was not in fact an old man, but an old classmate of mine. If you didn't know him, you would easily guess him to be older than his years. Looking at this man today, you would never put us together in any social situation. Ever. The truth is, years ago, he was a big part of our lives. Rex and I double dated with him many a night. We were at his wedding. We were there when he brought his first child into this world. We spent a lot of time together with cookouts and getting the kids together to play. He was a close friend to my husband. In his field of work, he was the best and was in high demand - at least that is what Rex has always said. He had a loving wife and a beautiful family. Life should have been good. What went wrong? Choices. He would make choices that were not conducive to a good family life. Years ago, I can remember telling Rex that this classmate was messing up when he would make a choice to go off to do his own thing rather than going to the ball field to watch his child play ball. I can remember story after story that Rex would tell me about this classmate. His choices took him to places that I can not even imagine. To a life that most people can't even imagine. Choices that made even his very best friends not to trust him anymore or even want to be around him. Choices that cost him his family. He had it all, only to throw it away by the choices he made.

It is easy to judge this guy. I mean, he had it all - but when I looked at him, my heart was filled with compassion for him. Nobody in their right mind would make conscious choice to lose their family. Lose their friends. Lose their job. Nobody wakes up and decides that today is the day that I am going to throw it all away. No, it starts out small. Those small bad choices lead into bigger bad choices and before you know it, you are in over your head. That is just the way sin is. Sin always takes you further than you wanted to go, keeps you longer than you wanted to stay, and cost you more than you wanted to pay.

When I passed him on the road, our eyes connected. He recognized me and waved. As I drove on, I tried to figure out how he got to where he was. He came from a loving and caring family. What drives a person to take a road filled with bad choices? I don't know, but I do know this: it is ONLY by the grace of God that none of us are in this man's shoes. Sometimes, our pride can come in and make us feel like we are doing everything right, but the truth is, anybody can fall. Nobody is exempt from making a few bad choices that can cost us ever thing that is dear to our hearts.

So the next time you see a person that looks like they have lost it extra kind. They are not just another homeless person, they are some body's child, husband, father....and some body's long lost friend.

I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.
Deuteronomy 30:19b

November 10, 2010

Thankfulness - day 11

Today I am thankful for all our veterans! It is because of them that I enjoy the freedoms that I have! I am also thankful for our current troops that are serving our country! I pray that God watches over them and their families until they are home again!

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest.

Joshua 1:9

November 9, 2010

Thankfulness - day 10

Today I am thankful for my house. While it will never be featured in a spread in House Beautiful, to me it is home. I have only lived in two houses since I have been married - and have been in our current home for almost 24 years. It is all my kids have ever known.

If these walls could talk....I hope they would say that love abides here. I hope my kids look back to their childhood home with fond memories. I hope they felt loved, safe, and protected within these four walls. I hope they know that the door is still always open for them to come back home if need be. Oh the memories that have occured within these four walls while watching my girls grow up.

As Dorothy would say, "there's no place like home."

Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.

Psalms 127:1

November 8, 2010

Thankfulness - day 9

Today I am thankful for my in-laws. They are hard working salt of the earth kind of people. They just don't make 'em like them anymore. Not to mention that my mother in law is the best cook I know! They have also been the best grandparents to my girls - my kids adore them.
Children's children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers.
Proverbs 17:6

Thankfulness - day 8

Today I am thankful my my two grandpups, Fred and Hazel. They add so much to our lives. They are always happy to see me, they always want to spend time with me, and they want to kiss me all day. Whats not to love?? Plus their faces will melt your heart.
Are not five sparrows sold for two farthlings, and not one of these is forgotten before God"
Luke 12:6

November 7, 2010

Kids these days

I am a huge fan of The Dr. Phil Show. I don't agree 100% with everything he says, but for the most part he is right on - especially on things that deal with family, marriages, and just dealing with life. I learn something from his show just about every time I watch it. I think what I like the most is that his advice is just so simple. Common sense really, but you would be surprised at the parents that lack good ole common sense. Most people make life harder than it has to be. I sometimes get amazed at how many of the parents come on to get control of their kids. I just don't get that. They have given their children everything that they could ever want and then wonder why the brats are spoilt. They let their children talk to them anyway they choose and wonder why their children don't listen to them. They set no consequences for their actions and don't understand why the brats don't have any regard for authority. I wonder if these parents realize that they are setting their children up for failure in life? I know no parent rocks their sweet little baby with dreams of them growing up and wearing orange suit with shackles on their feet. That sounds crazy, but the truth is, a lot of times that is what they are doing when they don't set rules and boundaries. Proverbs 29:15 says that a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.

Every child needs to be taught the difference between right and wrong. I can't believe the stand some parents take on spanking a child. The Bible instructs parents to spank. The problem comes in with the meaning of spanking. Spanking is NOT abuse. Discipline is done out of love and abuse is done out of anger. HUGE difference. They need to know that certain behavior brings certain consequences.... and that is what is missing. I can't tell you the times I have seen the school try to correct a student and the mother gets involved and basically blames everybody but her child. She blames the teacher, the principal, another student, or whoever else...just not her child. The mother is actually teaching her child that they do not have to respect authority and basically they don't have to be accountable for their actions. Then the kid moves out into the real world and that is where the problems start. Suddenly, they are in a job where they have to be accountable and mama can't come shift the blame.. People don't care to hear all the excuses. If they don't have respect for authority, they might just find themselves handcuffed, tased, or possibly shot.You basically set them up for a hard life.

I wasn't the perfect mom...not by a long shot. I made plenty of mistakes along the way, but some things really are just black and white. Some things are just so wrong that you don't have to think it over. A lot of times my kids didn't understand the word no....but I always told them that one day, I will have to give an account of the way I raised them. I unknowingly made enough mistakes without adding things to the list that I knew were just wrong. Don't get me wrong - parenting is not easy and my personality is to second guess myself and lets face it, kids know how to lay it out thick when they want something. I did sometimes spoil my kids with material things, but I also held them to a high standard. If they lived a A+ lifestyle, then they were rewarded with an A+ benefits. If they had lived a D- lifestyle, they would have gotten the D- benefits. Sometimes, you just have to appeal to their greed. I never tried to be their friend - they had enough of those, they needed a mother. As a result, I later became their friend, but only when the time was right.

I don't think the kids today are the ones with the problems...I think it's their parents.

Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.

Proverbs 23:15

Do you remember?

Hope for change is one of the things that helped put Obama in office. Change is not always good though. Change is sometimes really just saying "anything goes." We are raising a generation that won't remember a lot of things are are slowly going away due to the changes we have seen in America. Some of the things that my generation remember will be as archaic as the older generation talking of washing clothes without actually putting them in a washing machine or telling of the days with no television. I can't even imagine that, although I do remember just having a black and white TV. Now, with technology, I can watch TV on my phone just about anywhere. I remember when we said prayer in school before we went to lunch. Public school. I remember when the flag stood for freedom and was considered sacred. I remember when a boy dressed like a boy and a girl dressed like a girl. I remember when marriage was just between a man and a woman. For life. I remember when you could take your family to a sporting event and you didn't have to mortgage the house to be able to afford it. I remember people didn't use foul language in front of ladies or children. I remember when someones's word was as sure as a written contract. I remember when Sundays were for church and not just another Saturday.
I remember when people wanted to work to get things instead of someone just handing it to them. I remember when getting pregnant out of wedlock was an embarrassment to the family. I remember when criminals actually were sent to jail. I remember when you could let your children wander all over the neighborhood and not worry even though you hadn't laid eyes on them all day. I remember when you didn't have to monitor what was on TV for your kids to watch. I remember when kids actually got a paddling at school for wrongdoing - knowing that the one you get at home for the one you got at school was going to be much worse! I remember when the parents ruled the house instead of the kids. I remember when people were held accountable for their actions.

It makes me worried about the next generation to come. What changes will they see? Marriage between a man/woman and a ___________? Fill in the blank with whatever. Sounds ludicrous, but just remember that 50 years ago the idea of same sex marriages would have been just as ludicrous.

It is time for Christians to wake up !!! Take back America. I believe God has blessed us as a nation because we were founded on Christianity. While I still believe I live in the greatest nation, we are not what we once were. We do need to see some change, but we need to make changes back to the old paths. America, America - God shed his grace on thee.

God Bless America!

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and wil forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

II Chronicles 7:14

Thankfulness - day 6

Today I am thankful for my church - Calvary Baptist Church!! I have been a member since the age of 10. This church is where my entire family came to accept Jesus as their savior. Kelly actually got saved at camp, but that is a ministry of the church. I know each and every Sunday that the gospel will be preached and it won't be watered down or compromised. A lot of people don't like the hard preaching that CBC usually has. It is good to hear about how great God is and how much He loves you, but you really need to hear about His wrath and His judgement too!

I also have the best preacher on earth! He is truly a man that walks the talk. His entire family is such a blessing to me and the entire church.

Not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together.
Hebrews 10:25a

November 6, 2010

Thankfulness - day 6

Today I am thankful for my good health. I suffer from a few aches and pain, but that just comes with old age. I hope I never take it for granted, because your health can be gone at any time!

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as the soul prospereth.

III John 1:2

November 5, 2010

Thankfulness - day 5

Today I am thankful for Melanie, my best friend for 26+ years. She has been such a blessing to me. I know I can say or tell her anything without fear judgement. I never have to worry that she will tell anyone else. This woman alone has probably saved me thousands and thousands of dollars in therapy alone! :) We are the kind of friends that can pick up the phone and pick right up where we left off even when time has come between us. I hope that I have been the kind of friend to her as she has been to me. God knew that I was going to need a "Melanie" in my life.
A friend loveth at all times.
Proverbs 17:17a

November 4, 2010

Thankfulness - day 4

Today I am thankful for my youngest daughter, Jamie. Jamie came to us in the fall of '85 and completed the Floyd family. I think she came into the world with a huge smile on her face. Never one to be shy or timid - no with Jamie, you had to worry about someone snatching her. She never knew a stranger. To nab her, all you had to do was offer her a kitty and she would follow you anywhere. Jamie was an easy child to parent - did what she was told and pushed herself. You never had to get her to push to do better, she put enough pressure on herself. With her, you had to explain that not always getting an A was okay. She only got one B her entire high school career - and shouldn't have got that, but that's another story. Jamie went into the field of math education and I had my doubts about that - but she has such a way with children, that she really needed to work with them in some capacity. She has turned into an wonderful math teacher! Jamie, being the baby, holds a special place in my heart!

November 3, 2010

Thankfulness - day 3

Today I am thankful for my oldest daughter, Kelly. She is one of the sweetest, most loyal, and level headed young ladies that I know. I know it sounds cliche, but this girl changed my entire world in the summer of '83. There is something about that first born child that holds a special place in your heart. Kelly was a very timid young girl - even at the age of 15, she would not go into a store by herself. I had to be right there with her. When she moved out for college, I really expected to get a phone call within the first month telling me that she couldn't do it and needed to come back home. I never received that phone call - instead she went on to get her Masters of Science by the age of 24. She struggled with what field to go into while in college, and found herself in nursing. What a nurse she has become. She has gone into the field of hospice. You can teach anybody to do IV's, catheters, or any other nursing skills - but you just can't teach someone to genuinely care and love their patients and their families. Simply put, she is nothing short of awesome and I am proud she calls me mama.

November 2, 2010

Thankful - day 2

Today I am thankful for my husband, Rex. We have been together since we were both 16. Not every day was easy, but we stuck it out. He has always worked hard to support his girls - and I am thankful for all he does for us!

Rejoice with the wife of thy youth.
Proverbs 5:18b

November 1, 2010

Being Thankful

November is the month of Thanksgiving. I am going to dedicate the next 30 days to the things in my life that I am thankful for. Some of them will be big, but most will probably be very small. It is often those small ones that seem to fly off the radar, but would be greatly missed if taken away.

Today, I am thankful for my salvation. I am thankful that He paid the price that I owed and could not pay, thankful that I didn't have to do anything but trust to get it, nothing that I have to do to keep it, and thankful that there is nothing I can do to lose it. When He was on the cross, I was on His mind.

Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving.
Psalms 95:2a