Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. Malachi 3:11b

September 5, 2009
My baby moves out!
Well, I went and worked myself out of my job! My youngest, Jamie Lee, just moved into her first home and she is super excited. She wanted to buy the house, but has no credit and the guy was very adamant about not renting. She said she prayed over it and then one day out of the blue, he called and offered to rent the house at a fair price. God does answer prayers. I knew this day was coming, just not quite prepared for it. She has her first job as a 7th grade math teacher at Drake Middle School in Auburn, and so far she loves it. I don't understand my sadness, because she stayed gone so much that I still did not see her much, but I did get to catch her in passing every now and then.
So to all you young mothers out there that doesn't think they will ever get a minute just to themselves, soak up that time with your babies. Everybody told me that it would pass by really fast and on some days, I though "yeah right"....but take it from me - it does. I wish I could go back sometimes - what seemed important then, just would not be important now. I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoyed being a mom. I know I did not always do everything right, but my heart was always in it. I look back and can KNOW I was there for my girls. TAke a little time and enjoy those little ones and hug them extra tight!
Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
Psalms 127:3
So to all you young mothers out there that doesn't think they will ever get a minute just to themselves, soak up that time with your babies. Everybody told me that it would pass by really fast and on some days, I though "yeah right"....but take it from me - it does. I wish I could go back sometimes - what seemed important then, just would not be important now. I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoyed being a mom. I know I did not always do everything right, but my heart was always in it. I look back and can KNOW I was there for my girls. TAke a little time and enjoy those little ones and hug them extra tight!
Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
Psalms 127:3
August 4, 2009
I have never been one who confronts. If someones does me wrong, I just let it roll off my back. Now, I am not saying that I don't get mad or get hurt, it is just I don't confront the other person for the wrong doing. There is good and bad in handling that way. There are times that I should stand up for myself just as there are times that are not worth the effort. Let me clarify myself....this only pertains to people outside of my immediate family - hubby and kids are excluded....I can confront them, but beyond that circle, I turn wimpy. Most of the time I try to minimize the situation and put in in prospective as to how trivial it will be in a week. That normally knocks out 95% of them...so on those, it is a good trait. On the other 5%, they are normally things that someone has really crossed their boundary in some way and I have a right to speak up for myself and I don't. I can't figure out why. Part of it is fear - not fear of them, but fear of what I would say. I have it all planned out in my head as to what to say, but then just lose it. At that point, I feel like I could do more damage than good and the outcome would not be what I want it to be. I feel like I would just make it worse. I jokingly say that if I confronted people, I would probably put them in therapy because I would get off track and put them in their place.....which is WRONG! It bothers my kids - they think Mama is a door mat - but I try to explain that I would rather be the one done wrong than the one doing the wrong. Don't think I am being self righteous, I am talking only about the times that I have truly been wronged.
I say all this because I have a conflict and it is one that I can't just brush off. It needs to be dealt with and I just don't know how to handle it. I am going to have to pray over it and let God give me wisdom as to what to say and when.
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:4
I say all this because I have a conflict and it is one that I can't just brush off. It needs to be dealt with and I just don't know how to handle it. I am going to have to pray over it and let God give me wisdom as to what to say and when.
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
Psalms 19:4
July 31, 2009
I am so tired of dieting....All my life I have always been on the thinner side, so I never really had to diet. Sometime around the age of 37, I noticed some weight gain. Not enough to make me do much about it and then one morning I woke up and had a spare tire around my waist! Two years ago, I lost 26 lbs. and I have put about 1/2 of it back on. I need to get back on track because I feel so much better when I eat right. Why don't I crave brocolli like I crave chocolate?????? The sad thing is that at my age ( 47 ), it takes twice the effort to get half the results. At what age do you say the heck with it and bring on the elasticized pants??? I know I can do it, I just need to get motivated again!
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Phillipians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Phillipians 4:13
July 29, 2009
I have been having a stressfull time here lately and I ought to be ashamed at how I am handling it and how I let it affect my well-being. When I take the time to look at all the blessings in my life, they surely outnumber my problems. Not even counting the BIG blessings if we just took the time to look at the small blessings we get every day, we all would all feel more blessed than what we do. Just waking up is a huge blessing! My dad was not so lucky just two years ago...went to bed and never woke up....so yes, waking up counts as a blessing. Food to eat, roof over our heads, a job to go to ..... all blessings... here's a few that I should remember more often: dirty dishes means you have food to eat and clothes that fit a little tighter than before means you have more than you need. I am so thankful for so many things, but the big ones that come to mind:
My salvation - that unmerited grace...where would I be without it??? Which brings me to..
My mom - she always took us to church. My dad was in the Air Force, so alot of times he was away and it was just her and four "doorstep" children. For the longest, she did not know how to drive, but somehow we always managed to get to church. With all that against her, it would have been easier to stay home, but to her that was not an option! Thanks Mom!
My dad - for being strong when you needed to be and soft when you needed to be. My daddy taught me so much about working, keeping your name clean, and so many others. My dad said what he meant and meant what he said. You never had to guess with him. While this was not as easy to understand as a teen, as an adult and parent, I wish I was alot more like him. He was old school and I mean that in the most complimentary way possible.
My husband...well as most people would agree, we are different in so many ways. I would not have even put us together, but somehow we have mananged to pull it off for 27+ years. My husband is a very hard worker and can probably work harder than most 20 years olds...he got that from his daddy. He was a hard worker too! I sure need to remember that when he comes home and becomes zombie like in front of the TV. He is always tired, but if I got up at 2:00 to head to work, then I would be tired too! I can honestly say I love him more today than the day I married him.
My girls - While my girls are no where near perfect, they are to me. I can honestly say that they have never given me any real problems other than the normal teen stuff...you know like attitude and such....seemed huge at the time, but looking back, I was blessed. Both have excelled academically and have a great work ethic! They both make me very proud to be there mom.
My family and "in-law" family - I have the best family ever. I have no doubt that I could call any of my brothers and sister or in-laws and they would help me out if they were able. I have the best in-laws that I could ever ask for. My kids have been ( and still are ) blessed with wonderful grandparents in my in laws.
My best friend - I have know my best friend since Kelly was not quite 1 year old and she is about to turn 26. She is the one person who probably knows me inside and out. I love her dearly. I feel sorry for others who do not have a besty. You know, I love my hubby, but sometimes you just need a girlfriend to hear you out and this dear soul has listened to me so much through the years. She has been a gift from God.
My church, my pastor, and my church family: My church means the world to me!
My salvation - that unmerited grace...where would I be without it??? Which brings me to..
My mom - she always took us to church. My dad was in the Air Force, so alot of times he was away and it was just her and four "doorstep" children. For the longest, she did not know how to drive, but somehow we always managed to get to church. With all that against her, it would have been easier to stay home, but to her that was not an option! Thanks Mom!
My dad - for being strong when you needed to be and soft when you needed to be. My daddy taught me so much about working, keeping your name clean, and so many others. My dad said what he meant and meant what he said. You never had to guess with him. While this was not as easy to understand as a teen, as an adult and parent, I wish I was alot more like him. He was old school and I mean that in the most complimentary way possible.
My husband...well as most people would agree, we are different in so many ways. I would not have even put us together, but somehow we have mananged to pull it off for 27+ years. My husband is a very hard worker and can probably work harder than most 20 years olds...he got that from his daddy. He was a hard worker too! I sure need to remember that when he comes home and becomes zombie like in front of the TV. He is always tired, but if I got up at 2:00 to head to work, then I would be tired too! I can honestly say I love him more today than the day I married him.
My girls - While my girls are no where near perfect, they are to me. I can honestly say that they have never given me any real problems other than the normal teen stuff...you know like attitude and such....seemed huge at the time, but looking back, I was blessed. Both have excelled academically and have a great work ethic! They both make me very proud to be there mom.
My family and "in-law" family - I have the best family ever. I have no doubt that I could call any of my brothers and sister or in-laws and they would help me out if they were able. I have the best in-laws that I could ever ask for. My kids have been ( and still are ) blessed with wonderful grandparents in my in laws.
My best friend - I have know my best friend since Kelly was not quite 1 year old and she is about to turn 26. She is the one person who probably knows me inside and out. I love her dearly. I feel sorry for others who do not have a besty. You know, I love my hubby, but sometimes you just need a girlfriend to hear you out and this dear soul has listened to me so much through the years. She has been a gift from God.
My church, my pastor, and my church family: My church means the world to me!
So take a few minutes to count your blessings....name them one by one!
Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits.
Psalms 68:19
New to all this
Even though I have had the internet so years, I am still so illiterate when it comes to all the new social options that are available for free. I have only recently joined Facebook and in the past, I have scoffed at these social networking sites. I have since found out that I have totally enjoyed my facebook site. I love the ability to keep up with old friends and relatives that live away. I have always enjoyed looking at pictures and now I can see friends/family pictures and find out what is going on in their lives even though we physically can't see each other as often as we'd like. Of course, what made me scoff is the danger that comes with it if you do not do it "safely." I am so glad that these sites were not available when my now grown daughters were teens. Not only for their safety, but these sites can be a time stealer. At this stage in my life, most of my "mom dutes" have ended and I have time to browse them. If you are not careful, these can steal precious family time. So as with all things, there are good and bad to them.
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